Anti-virus and endpoint protection
Information security
The university utilizes Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MSDE) to protect computers against known malicious software (e.g. viruses, worms, trojans) and manage the risks associated with vulnerable software and suspicious activity.
Endpoint protection it is a critical security capability that is mandatory on all university computers as part of our information security standards. MSDE is available for all university-owned Windows, Linux and MacOS computers free of charge.
Who can use this service?
- Faculty
- Staff
How do I request or access this service?
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MSDE) will be automatically deployed on computers managed by University Systems Desktop Support Services and in labs supported by the Computer Help Desk. If your device is managed by Desktop Support Services (DSS) no further action is required on your part. For all others, this software is available for your UVic-owned computer from our software distribution page.
What is the cost for this service?
This software can be installed on UVic-owned desktop and laptop computers at no charge. For servers, an annual cost applies; please contact the Technology Solutions Center ( for more information.
When is this service available?
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. You can be informed of service interruptions by subscribing to Informed. Servers do not need to be available or reachable for this service to function (i.e., you can take your laptop off campus).
How do I get help with this service?
For assistance with this service, please contact the Computer Help Desk:
Telephone: 250-721-7687
In person: Clearihue A037