Email warning banners
Information security
The Email Warning Banner is an opt-in service that will generate a banner warning message at the top of incoming emails to provide a visual warning when certain conditions are met. The current list of conditions include:
- All External Email – This will generate a banner for all email that has been sent from outside of the University of Victoria email system.
- External Spoofed Email – This will generate a banner for email that has been sent from outside of the University of Victoria email system AND is also claiming to be from inside the University of Victoria email system.
Who can use this service?
- Departments
- Faculty
- Staff
How do I access this service?
Currently, access to the Email Warning Banner service is limited only to Desktop Support Service (DSS)-supported departments that request it. Users must be utilizing the Microsoft Exchange email and calendar system.
For users in a department that is not DSS-supported, it is possible to create conditional rules based on the presence of two new mail headers: X-UVic-External-Sender and X-UVic-External-uvic
How do I request or access this service?
Submit a request to your Desktop Support Services support staff member including which banner(s) you would like and your email address.
What is the cost for this service?
There is no charge for Email Warning Banner service.
When is this service available?
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How do I get help with this service?
For assistance with this service, please contact the Computer Help Desk:
Telephone: 250-721-7687
In person: Locations & hours
If your department has Desktop Support Services, contact your departmental personnel.