Zoom Video Conferencing Service

Audiovisual and multimediaMedia Services

 zoom logo

Zoom lets you have online real-time sessions with your colleagues. You can share your presentations or desktop, collaborate with others, conduct small group activities, use polling to ask questions and more, all from virtually any device.

An account is not required if you are simply joining a meeting.  If you would like to create and host an online meeting, you will require an account. Under our licensing, all users can set up, initiate, and run meetings.

Is this the right solution for you?

There are several centrally supported video conferencing services available to University members.  Each is best suited for different purposes. See our Video Conference Solutions Feature Comparison to help you select the right service for your needs.

Who can use this service?

  • Faculty and emeritus
  • Staff and affiliates
  • Students

Your UVic Zoom account will be deleted when you graduate or leave UVic.

How do I request or access this service?

All current University of Victoria faculty, staff and students are automatically provisioned with access.

The service can be accessed by logging in with your primary Netlink ID at uvic.zoom.us

What is the cost for this service?

This service is provided at no cost for current faculty, staff, and students.

When is this service available?

This service is available to users with a primary NetLink ID from anywhere on the internet via a compatible web browser or through the desktop application. Users will be able to access the Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during regular scheduled maintenance or an unplanned outage. You can be informed of service interruptions by subscribing to Informed.

How do I get help with this service?

University Systems provides technical support for this service. Most questions can be answered by visiting our Zoom Support resources.  Additionally, you can contact the Computer Help Desk for assistance.


Support for the Zoom Service as a pedagogical teaching tool is provided by Technology Integrated Learning.  

App Marketplace

The Zoom App MarketPlace offers a vast number of Apps to enhance the Zoom functional experience. Installation must be approved by UVic Zoom administrators, and only a few have been pre-approved.

At this time no further Apps are being considered.