Amy vanWell

Amy vanWell
Office: COR A047
Area of expertise

Cognition and Brain Sciences


Dr. Jim Tanaka


Research Interests

I am interested in expanding the methods used by vision scientists to conduct experiments. My focus is on developing the ‘Gazer’ program to harness open-source software for web-based eye tracking. My goal is to create a system for conducting online experiments which tracks participant’s gaze on their computer screen using their laptop camera. I am currently working on publishing results from experiments conducted with Gazer to demonstrate the program’s efficacy as a vision science tool.

The jsPsych-based Gazer code and accompanying Python analysis code will be available on my personal website.


Representative presentations

vanWell, A. & Tanaka, J.W. (2021, November 3-4) Investigating the time course of exogenous attention using a web-based eye-tracking tool [Poster]. OPAM, virtual. (Accepted)

vanWell, A., Liu, X., Martin, J., & Tanaka, J.W. (2021, May 23) Investigating the time course of face perception using web-based eye tracking [Poster]. V-VSS, virtual.

vanWell, A., Liu, X., & Tanaka, J.W. (2020, May 5). Testing hemispheric specialization of holistic face processing at gist and post-gist exposure durations [Presentation]. Different Minds Collaborative Conference, virtual.

Recent awards

  • President’s Research Scholarship, University of Victoria (2021-2022)
  • CGS-M Alexander Graham Bell Award, NSERC (2021-2022)
  • Undergraduate Research Award, NSERC (Summer 2020)
  • Undergraduate Research Award, NSERC (Summer 2019)