John Sheehan

John Sheehan
Area of expertise

Clinical Neuropsychology

Research interests

My research has focused on early diagnosis, assessment and executive functioning in both neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders. More specifically, I have been heavily involved in research focused on the role language plays in motor-skill acquisition in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I also engaged in various projects which focused on reliable cognitive decline in adult populations, which also included assessing the association of this decline with differential patterns of FDG-PET cerebral hypometabolism. Currently, I am focused on investigating the development of executive functioning abilities in pre-school aged children. During graduate school, I plan to continue focusing on executive functioning in pediatric populations with both typical and atypical development.

Representative presentations

Larson, J.C.G., Sheehan, J.C., Wilson, J., & Suchy, Y. (2013) The role of self-directed speech in motor control in children with autism. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Waikoloa, HI.

Chelune, G.,  Crawford, J., Sheehan, J., Duff, K., Holdnak, J., and Pedraza, O. (2013) Assessing reliable cognitive decline in older adults: part 1- efficacy of multivariate regression equations derived from summary data. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Waikoloa, HI.

Chelune, G.,  Crawford, J., Sheehan, J., Duff, K., Holdnak, J., and Pedraza, O. (2013) Assessing reliable cognitive decline in older adults: part II- base rates of decline in a clinical sample at two levels of impairment. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Waikoloa, HI.

Recent awards

  • Outstanding Graduate Entrance Award- University of Victoria
  • Graduate Fellowship Award- University of Victoria