Julie Prud'homme

Julie Prud'homme
Office: COR A057
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology


Dr. Brianna Turner


Research Interests

My research focuses on mental health risk and resilience in LGBTQ+ young adults and the use micro-longitudinal methodologies, with a particular interest in improving mental health care access and provision for underserved LGBTQ+ communities. Notably, I hope to better understand why LGBTQ+ young adults engage in risky health behaviours, such as disordered eating, substance use, and self-injurious thoughts and behaviours, and how we can bolster resilience and prevent these behaviours from occurring.


Representative Publications:

Prud’homme, J.,* Robillard, C. L.,* & Turner, B. J. (accepted). Personality disorders in sexual and gender minority populations. Rothblum, E.D. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health. Oxford University Press.

Turner, B. J., Prud’homme, J., & Legg, N. (in press). Environmental influences and socio-cultural factors. K. L. Gratz & C. W. Lejuez (Eds.), Handbook of Personality Disorders. Cambridge University Press.

Prud’homme, J., Dunkley, D. M., Ghelerter, A., Bernier, E., Berg, J. L., & Starrs, C. J. (2017). Specific perfectionism components predicting stress, coping, and negative affect six months and three years later. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 134-138. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.01.034

* These authors contributed equally to this work and are listed alphabetically.

Representative Presentations

Prud’homme, J., Torok, D., Yeo, S. N., & Turner, B.J. (2019, July). Relationship satisfaction and substance use in first-year sexual minority students: The moderating role of rejection sensitivity. Poster presented at the 8th Biannual International Attachment Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Prud’homme, J., Pellatt, H., & Turner, B. J. (2018, November). Sexual minority status, coping (in)effectiveness, and self-damaging behaviours in first-year university students. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  Washington D.C., USA.

Prud’homme, J., Pellatt, H, & Turner, B.J. (2018, June). Co-occurrence of self-damaging behaviours in university students over 8 months:  Are sexual minority students more at risk? Paper presented at a symposium of the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Montreal, QC, Canada.


Recent Awards

  • 2019-2023: Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et Culture, Doctoral Research Scholarship
  • 2017-2019: CIHR-Institute of Gender and Health, Trainee Award for Innovative Thinking to Support LGBTQI2S Health and Wellness
  • 2016-2017: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master’s