Shelby Logan

Shelby Logan
Office: COR B308

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in the human-nature relationship. Currently, I am interested in researching the duality of our nature connection. On the one (more positive) hand: how nature engagement affects various aspects of well-being, how to enhance nature connectedness to foster environmental concern, etc. On the other (more existential) hand: understanding why it is humans are sometimes hesitant to accept their fundamental connection with nature, why we might avoid accepting the realities of climate change, etc.

Representative Publications

Feng, Z., Logan, S., Cupchik, G., Ritterfeld, U., & Gaffin, D. (2017). A cross-cultural exploration of imagination as a process-based concept. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 37, 69-94.

Representative Presentations

Logan, S., Grouzet, F., & Lee, E. (2018, April). The Support of Autonomy on Nature Engagement. Poster presented at the 98th annual Western Psychological  Association Conference, Portland, OR.

Grouzet, F., Spence, T., Logan, S., & Lee, E. (2018, April). Presence in nature: Can mindfulness enhance the positive effects of nature exposure on valuing intrinsic goals? Poster presented at the 98th annual Western Psychological Association Conference, Portland, OR.

Recent Awards

  • SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship 2018-2019
  • University of Victoria Fellowship 2017-2018
  • Graduate Entrance Award 2017-2018