David A. Medler

David A. Medler
Associate Teaching Professor, Associate Chair (psycassoc@uvic.ca)
Office: COR A270

Ph.D., University of Alberta, 1998. Joined Department 2009

Area of expertise

Teaching Stream, Cognition and Brain Sciences

Dr. David Medler has training in cognitive neuroscience with a focus on computational modeling, including Bayesian and connectionist models. Prior to joining UVic, Dr. Medler was an Associate Professor in Neurology, conducting fMRI research on language processing in normal and patient populations. Currently, Dr. Medler focusses on undergraduate teaching, specifically in the areas of statistics, courses within the mind and brain stream, as well as infant and child development.  Dr. Medler does not supervise graduate students. 


  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Computational Modeling
  • Statistics
  • Language

Representative publications

Binder, J.R., Medler, D. A., Westbury, C.F., Liebenthal, E., & Buchanan, L. (2006). Tuning of the human left fusiform gyrus to sublexical orthographic structure. NeuroImage, 33, 739–748.

Sabsevitz, D.S., Medler, D. A., Seidenberg, M., & Binder, J.R. (2005). Modulation of the semantic system by word imageability. NeuroImage, 27, 188–200.

Medler, D. A., Dawson, M. R. W., A. & Kingstone, A. (2005). Functional localization and double dissociations: The relationship between internal structure and behavior. Brain and Cognition, 57, 146–150.

Medler, D. A. (2005) Using contrastive Hebbian learning to model early auditory processing. In S.C. Kremer, J. Palmer, & S. Chen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2005 Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference Workshop on Correlation Learning, (pp. 59 - 70)