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Photo of Dr. Pascal Courty outside



Office: BEC 330
PhD (University of Chicago)
Area of expertise:
Economics of Competition, Cultural Economics, Sports Economics


Professor Courty has contributed to the fields of Industrial Organization, Labour Economics, Cultural Economics, and Sports Economics.

His work is applied, and he has contributed to questions related to Resale Markets for tickets, Popular Music Concert, Doping, Sports Injury, Museum, Cultural Participation. 


  • Information Economics & Contract Theory
  • Industrial Organization/Behavioural IO
  • Cultural and Sport Economics


  • ECON 413, Economics of Firm Strategy
  • ECON 454, Theory of Corporate Finance
  • ECON 458, Competition Economics II
  • ECON 510, Industrial Organization and Public Policy


Main Publications

  • An Economic Approach to Sports Injury Policies.  (with Jeffrey Cisyk).  Journal of Sports Economics. 2024. 25(3) 388-419.
  • Sports injuries and game stakes:Concussions in the National Football League.  (with Jeffrey Cisyk).  Economic Inquiry. 2024. 62(1) 430-448. 
  • Store expensiveness and consumer saving: Insights from a new decomposition of price dispersion
  • (with S. Clerides and Y. Ma) Quantitative Marketing and Economics 2023 (65-94)         

  • Some economics of movie exhibition: increasing returns and Imax revenue premium. (with Dapeng Liu)   Journal of Cultural Economics. 2022. 46 (4) 597-634.  
  • The China Museum Visit Boom: Government or Demand Driven? (with Fenghua Zhang).  Journal of Cultural Economics  2022. 46(1) 135-63.
  • "The China museum boom: soft power and cultural nationalism" (with Fenghua Zhang). International Journal of Cultural Policy 27 (1) 30-49. 2021.
  • "The impact of variable pricing, dynamic pricing and sponsored secondary markets in major league baseball" (with Luke Davey). Journal of Sports Economics 2020. 21 (2), 115-138.
  • "The impact of variable pricing, dynamic pricing, and sponsored secondary markets in major league baseball" (with Luke Davey). Journal of Sports Economics 21 (2), 115-138.
  • "Ticket resale, bots and the fair price ticketing curse". Journal of Cultural Economics 43, 345–363. 2019.
  • "Suspense: dynamic incentives in sports contests" (with Li Hao and W. Chan). Economic Journal January 2009, 119, p.24-46. CEPR Discussion Paper 3251.
  • "A general test for distortions in performance measures" (with G. Marschke). Review of Economics and Statistics. August 2008, (3) 428-441. CEPR Discussion Paper 4514.
  • "Responsive pricing" (with M. Pagliero). Economic Theory. 2008, 34: 235–259.
  • "An empirical investigation of gaming responses to explicit performance incentives" (with Gerald Marschke). The Journal of Labor Economics. January 2004, 22(1), 23-56.
  • "Some economics of ticket resale". Journal of Economic Perspectives. Spring 2003, 17 (2) 85-97.
  • "Ticket pricing under demand uncertainty". Journal of Law and Economics. October 2003, XLVI (2),  627-52.
  • "Dynamics of performance measurement systems" (with G. Marschke). Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 2003, 19 (2), 268-84.
  • "Performance incentives with award constraints" (with G. Marschke). Journal of Human Resources. Vol 38 n.4 2002, 812-845.
  • "Sequential screening" (with Li, Hao). Review of Economic Studies. (67) 2000, 697-717.
  • "Timing of clearance sales and competition" (with Li, Hao). Journal of Business October 1999.
  • "Measuring government performance: lessons from a federal training program" (with G. Marschke). American Economic Review, papers and proceedings. May, 1997 383-88.

Other refereed publications

  • Bull, C., Courty, M. Doyon and D. Rondeau, 2019. "Failure of the Becker-Degroot-Marschak mechanism in inexperienced subjects: new tests of the game form misconception hypothesis." Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization.
  • Courty, P. and S. Ozel, 2019. "The value of online scarcity messages." Information Economics and Policy.
  • Courty, P. and F. Zhang, 2018. "Cultural consumption in major Chinese cities." Journal of Cultural Economics, 42 (4), 543-592.
  • Courty, P.and J. Nasiry, 2018. "Loss aversion and the uniform pricing puzzle for media and entertainment products." Economic Theory 66 (1), 105-140.
  • Courty, P. and Cisyk, J., 2017. "Do fans care about compliance to doping regulations in sports? The impact of PED suspension in baseball." Journal of Sports Economics, 18(4).
  • Courty, P. and Clerides, S., 2017. "Sales, quantity surcharge and consumer inattention." Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(2).
  • Courty, P. and J. Nasiry, 2016. "Product launches and buying frenzies: a dynamic perspective." Production and Operations Management 25(1): 143-152.
  • Courty, P., Rondeau, D. and Doyen, M., 2016. "Simultaneous allocation of bundled goods through auctions: assessing the case for joint bidding." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 98(3), 838-859.
  • Courty, P., 2015. "Pricing tickets for live events: a few principles and two tales of two industries." Sport & Entertainment Review 1(2): 35-43.
  • Courty, P., Rondeau and M. Doyon, 2015. "Unbundling truthful revelation when auctioning bundled goods." Economics Bulletin 35(4): 2512-2517.
  • Courty, P. and J. Sim, 2015. "What is the cost of retaining and attracting exceptional talents? Evidence from the Canada Research Chair program." Canadian Journal of Economics 48(5): 1635-1660.
  • Courty, P. and M. Pagliero, 2012. "The impact of price discrimination on revenue: evidence from the concert industry." Review of Economics and Statistics 94(1): 359-369.
  • Courty, P., "Unpriced quality." Economics Letters, 2011.
  • Courty, P., D.H. Kim & G. Marschke, "Curbing cream-skimming: evidence on enrolment incentives." Labor Economics, 2011.
  • Courty, P. & M. Pagliero, “Does responsive pricing smooth demand shocks?” Applied Economics, 2011.
  • Courty, P. & M. Pagliero, “The impact of price discrimination on revenue: evidence from the concert industry.” Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011.
  • Courty, P. & M. Pagliero, “Frictional matching: evidence from law school admission.” Economics Letters, 2010, 108, 208-211.
  • Courty, P. & M. Pagliero, “Price variation antagonism and firm pricing policies.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 2010, 75, 235–249, CEPR discussion paper 6663.
  • "Do consumers care about how prices are set?" (with M. Pagliero). International Journal of the Economics of Business
  • "Setting the standard in performance measurement systems" (with C Heinrich and G. Marschke). International Public Management Journal. 2005, 8(3), p. 1–27.
  • "Making government accountable: lessons from a federal job training program" (with G. Marschke). Public Administration Review
  • "Benchmarking performance" (with G. Marschke). Public Finance and Management. 2004. 4(3), p. 288-316.
  • "Performance funding in federal agencies: a case study of a federal job training program" (with G. Marschke). Public Budgeting and Finance. 2003, fall issues (Vol. 23:3).
  • "An economic guide to ticket pricing in the entertainment industry". Louvain Economic Review. (66) 2 2000, 167-192.
  • "Financial immunization, market incompleteness and wavelets" (with J. M. Lasry, J.M. Morel, and C.W. Yip). Compte Rendu de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie I, Mathematique, 1993, 316 p. 341-44.
  • "Linearization of the portfolio hedging problem on wavelet basis" (with I. Ekeland, J.M. Morel, and C.W. Yip). Compte Rendu de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie I, Mathematique, 1993, 316 p 399-402.

Book chapters

  • The Job Training Partnership Act Incentive System (with G. Marschke). In Performance Standards in a Government Bureaucracy, edited by J. Heckman. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. (2006.)
  • Moral Hazard Under Incentive Systems: The Case of a Federal Bureaucracy (with G. Marschke). In Advance in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth. Ed. Gary Libecap JAI Press, Greenwich  Vol. 7, 1996. p. 157-90.
  • Identical Price Categories in Oligopolistic Markets. Innocent Behaviour or Collusive Practice? (with N. Fabra, M. Motta, and C. Fumagalli). AGCM Collana Temi e Problemi, Vol 11, June 2006.