Zonke Guddah

Zonke Guddah

PhD student


Ann B. Stahl


Visual anthropology and materiality

I am a Ph.D. student working under the supervision of Dr. Ann Stahl. My interests are largely in archaeology, cultural anthropology, conservation and protection of cultural heritage, landscape and architecture.

During my doctoral studies, I would explore the concepts, methods, and techniques of Visual Anthropology and Materiality and how these can inform and shape my research into the indigenous architecture of Banda, Ghana. The architectural landscape is one aspect of the Ghanaian culture that has and is experiencing drastic transformations and while we believe in the dynamism of culture, it is still important to preserve some parts that may be considered as their ‘tradition’ or ‘heritage’. My research will be part of Dr. Ann Stahl’s partnership project in Ghana – IAfF and  Banda Through Time.

I hold a BA and MPhil in Archaeology from the University of Ghana. My MPhil thesis focused on building processes, settlement, and compound layouts and their relationship with the social organization of the people of Old Buipe, in northern Ghana. My research and studies were funded by the Gonja Archaeological Project, a project based at Old Buipe that I participated in from 2015-2017. I also worked as a TA and Graduate Assistant at the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, and a Researcher at the Leventis Digital Resource Centre.

I love to read fictional novels, some of my favorites are from African writers and I love arts widely, which is why I volunteer with Benpaali Young Filmmakers’ Festival where we provide young talented people with the platform to share stories that matter.