Types of Boundaries

There are many different types of boundaries. They can be firm, flexible or non-existent. The following includes some of the boundaries you might have or want to explore about what you are and aren’t comfortable with:

Physically – Boundaries can be about when, where, how and why someone can or can’t touch you or be close to you. They can also be about how you take care of your body; deciding when or how you want to be active or resting or how much and when you want food and water, etc.

Sexually – There may be sexual activities that you like or don’t like and maybe some you may be curious about. For example, you might be comfortable with some things like kissing or making out, but you may draw the line about taking your clothes off.

Intellectually – What thoughts and ideas we might have and how or who we share them with. For example, you might feel comfortable sharing your thoughts in a small group or one on one but not in a larger group. There may be thoughts and ideas that you would share with your friends but not family.

Emotionally – Being aware and true to your feelings and energy, what you're comfortable sharing with others. When you are feeling good you might have more energy to do things and be more open with people than the times you are feeling low. Sometimes you might feel comfortable spending time with friends or providing support but other times you need to take time for yourself.

Financially – Money can be tricky and uncomfortable to talk about. Who do you feel comfortable talking about money with? Do you have rules or a budget in place for how you spend your money?

Time & Energy – How you spend and prioritize your time, setting aside time without overcommitting, etc.

Materially – How do you care for your belongings, what belongings are important to you vs what you might share with others. For example, use of your home, car, clothing, furniture, etc., and how you expect your items to be treated

Online/Social media engagement – How much time you spend on social media, what you want to post or share, what comments are you ok with having on your posts, who you engage with, who you ‘friend’ or ‘follow” and vice versa.
Spiritually or religiously – Who you might share your beliefs with, what behaviours or activities you will engage or not engage in, how you will spend time and with whom on sacred days.

Culturally – Choosing to engage or not in social norms/pressures that exist on a communal level, expected behaviours or etiquette in certain circumstances (ex. smiles, touching, eye contact, topics, or language used).

Topically - you may want to set limits about discussing certain topics depending on who is trying to engage you or who is already engaged in the discussion.