Publications and presentations

UVic scholars

2019. Devor, A., & Haefele-Thomas, A. (Eds.). "Transgender: A Reference Handbook." Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

2018. Devor, A. “Foreword.” In Christine Burns (Ed.) Trans Britain: Our Journey from the Shadows (p. xii-xvii) London: Unbound.

2018. Aaron Devor & Lara Wilson, “El Rastro de la Historia Transgénero. El Archivo Transgénero.” In Lius Hernández Olivera & Lluis Esteve Caellas I Serra (Eds.) Memoria y Deseo. Sexo y Género en el Archivo [Memory and Desire: Sex and Gender in the Archives] (p. 45-63) Salamanca, Spain: Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y Leon.

2018. Wolfe, A. (March). "Challenging radical feminist discourses around gender identity." Presentation at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, Victoria, BC.

2018.  Rounds, K. (March). “Older trans people and resilience.” Presentation at the Rainbow Health Ontario Conference, Sudbury, ON.

2018.  Temple Newhook, J., Winters, K., Pyne, J., Jamieson, A., Holmes, C ., Feder, S., Pickett, S. & Sinnott, M.L. "Teach Your Parents (and Providers) Well: A Call for Re-Focus on the Health of Trans and Gender-Diverse Children," Canadian Family Physician.

2018.  Holmes, C. & Hunt, S. "Rethinking family violence: Centering Indigenous knowledges." Commissioned by the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health for national distribution (Public Health Agency of Canada).

2018.  Rachel Hope Cleves, “Six Ways of Looking at a Trans Man? The Life of Frank Shimer, 1826-1901,” Journal of the History of Sexuality, Vol. 27, no. 1 (January 2018).

2017.  Rich A, Scott K, Johnston C, Blackwell E, Lachowsky N, Cui Z, Sereda P, Moore D, Hogg R, Roth E. "Sexual HIV risk among gay, bisexual and queer transgender men: findings from interviews in Vancouver, Canada." Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2017 Mar 24:1-3.

2017  Seth Pardo & Aaron Devor, "Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Identity Development" in Kevin L. Nadal (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (1689-1692).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

2017. Wolfe, A. (December). "Telling a different story: How LGBTQ and gender-fluid youth make sense of sexualized and intimate violence." Presentation as part of the Chair in Transgender Studies Graduate Student Colloquium Series, Victoria, BC.

2017. Wolfe, A. (March). "Challenging radical feminist discourses around gender identity." Presentation at the Child & Youth Care in Action V Conference, Victoria, BC.

2016.  Holmes, C. (2016). "Exploring the intersections between violence, place and mental health in the lives of trans and gender nonconforming people in Canada." In M . Giesbrecht and V. Crooks (Eds.) Place, Health and Diversity: Learning from the Canadian Perspective (pp. 53-75). Geographies of Health Series. New York: Routledge.

2016. Aaron Devor. “Transgender People and Jewish Law.” In Gerhard Schreiber (Ed.), Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience (p. 391 -410). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

2016.  Aaron Devor.  "FTM:  Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society."  Bloomington, IN:  Indiana University Press (720 pages) 2nd edition (300+ citations).

2016.  Aaron Devor.  “Gender Diversity: Trans, Transgender, Transsexu al, and Genderqueer People.” In George  Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition. Wiley, Oxford.

Visiting scholars

Sandy Artuso is a FNR-funded PhD candidate in the Department of German Studies at the University of Luxembourg.  In 2018 she visited the Transgender Archives and presented at the Moving Trans History Forward conference.

Kai* Brust is a History and Political Science student at TU Darmstadt (Germany). From May-July, 2017, they participated in an international internship through Mitacs at the Transgender Archives.  Currrently, Brust continues the work they started at the Transgender Archives in their bachelor thesis, "Tagging Transgender History."

Beck Gilmer-Osborne is a queer trans-media artist who visited the Transgender Archives in 2016. Their visit was primarily focused on finding themselves in the archives, which in part led them to attend McGill's Archival Studies program in Fall 2018.

Jamie Ann Lee is currently working on a book project called Producing the Archival Body that will draw on her 2014 research at the Transgender Archives. She's also published an article based on her visit: Lee, J. A. (2016). Be/longing in the archival body: eros and the “Endearing” value of material lives. Archival Science, 16(1), 33-51.

Abram J. Lewis is a postdoctoral fellow at the Sexualities Project at Northwestern University and visited the Transgender Archives in 2017.  The Transgender Archives was a useful resource for his book project and for his chapter in the anthology Trap Door.

Paula Martin is a PhD Student at the University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development. Her time in the archives is described in a newsletter column for the Society for Psychological Anthropology. Martin also referenced her visit to the archives in a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association on a panel called "Queering Futures: Futures as Forces, Futures as Products."

K.J. Rawson is an assistant professor of English and director of the Digital Transgender Archive at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, USA.  K.J.'s visit resulted in a number of items being scanned, which will be processed and posted online by fall 2018 on the Digital Transgender Archive website.