The Life of Reed Erickson (ongoing) Funder: Various funders
Principal Investigator. This project traces the life of US trans man and philanthropist, Reed Erickson, whose Erickson Educational Foundation initiated, supported, and funded many highly influential researchers, organizations, and educational efforts on behalf of Trans+ people in the late 1960s, throughout the 1970s, and into the 1980s.
Trans+ People in Canadian Prisons (2022-2026) Funder: Correctional Services of Canada (CSC)
Principal Investigator. “Addressing the needs of a gender-diverse correctional population.” In this project, we look at the situation of Trans+ people in Canadian Federal prisons from many different perspectives and will provide Correctional Services of Canada with recommendations for policy improvements.
Interdisciplinary 2SLGBTQ+ HEALTH Hub (2022-2028) Funder: CIHR Health Research Training Platform (HRTP)
Mentor to graduate students as part of the “Interdisciplinary 2SLGBTQ+ HEALTH Hub: Healing through Education and Awareness in stigma reduction and Lifecourse Training in Health.”
Canadian Electronic Health Records (2021) Funder: Michael Smith Health Research
Research Team Member. “Disseminating Research Outputs on Actions to Modernize Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Documentation in Canadian Electronic Health Records.” This is part of a larger and ongoing collaboration of the UVic GSSO group with other groups across the country and internationally to modernize how sex, gender, and sexuality information is recorded and safeguarded in electronic health records.
Red Jordan Arobateau
Trans BIPOC Digitization Initiative (2021-2024) Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
Digital Health Systems Research (2021-2022) Funder: Michael Smith Health Research Convening and Collaborating Grant
Grant Team member. “Co-developing a digital health systems research program to support cultural safety and health equity for Two-Spirit, transgender and nonbinary patients in British Columbia.” This is part of a larger and ongoing collaboration of the UVic GSSO group with other groups across the country and internationally to modernize how sex, gender, and sexuality information is recorded and safeguarded in electronic health records.
Trans Oral History (2020-2025) Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
SSHRC Insight Grant Collaborator. The Trans Oral History project gathered oral histories with Trans+ people who have been Trans+ activists in the U.S. and Canada in the late 20th century. See the Word of Mouth online exhibit at the Transgender Archives to learn more.
Electronic Health Records (2020) Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Planning & Dissemination Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. “Modernizing Sex and Gender Information Practices in Electronic Health Records.” This is part of a larger and ongoing collaboration of the UVic GSSO group with other groups across the country and internationally to modernize how sex, gender, and sexuality information is recorded and safeguarded in electronic health records.
Trans+ People in Precarious Labour in Canada (2020-2023) Funder: Silver Gummy Foundation
Co-Principle Applicant. In collaboration with Annalee Lepp, the project researches the nature and the extent of Trans+ people in situations of precarious labour in Canada and possible ways to improve the situation.
Labour Market Participation for Trans People Funder: BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Principal Investigator. “Improving labour market participation for Trans+ people.” This is a three-part project. The first phase investigated how Trans+ job seekers and employment agencies work to find jobs for people attempting to come out of poverty in BC. The second phase partnered with a human resources company to develop, execute, and evaluate a small pilot-project training program for a subset of WorkBC employees with a goal to improve service to Trans+ job seekers. Phase three will expand the pilot project to all WorkBC offices.
The COVID-19 Pandemic Among Sexual and Gender Marginalized Populations in Canada (2020-2021) Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Co-Applicant. “The COVID-19 Pandemic Among Sexual and Gender Marginalized Populations in Canada: Physical Distancing Impacts, SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence, and Health and Wellness Needs.” This rapid research project took a population health approach focused on LGBTQ2+ people to examine the direct impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and indirect impacts of COVID-19 control measures.
Poverty Among Trans+ people (2019) Funder: BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Principal Investigator. “Poverty Among Trans+ people.” This project conducted consultations with Trans+ people in British Columbia who had experienced poverty and submitted recommendations to the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
Our Trans Health Initiative (2019-2021) Funder: Vancouver Foundation
Team Member. ““Our Trans Health Initiative”: A Community-Based Participatory Study of Transgender Population Health in British Columbia.” This project sought to determine the current state of healthcare for transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer and Two-Spirit people across British Columbia (BC), and evaluate whether it was improving over time and equitably across geographies. Little research has focused on the healthcare experiences and challenges specific to these communities.
Transgender Population Health and Engagement in Patient-Oriented Research (2018-2019) Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
SPOR Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. “Transgender Population Health and Engagement in Patient-Oriented Research: A Community-Based Participatory Study." Trans+ people experience significant health disparities compared with their cisgender peers and have often been ignored or excluded in health research and services. Using a community based participatory framework, this project aimed to build skills and capacities for patients and healthcare providers.