Sam Liu, PhDprofile_shot_2017.png

Lab Director
My research interest is to promote health and physical activity using innovative digital technology (e.g. Internet, mobile phones, social media). Specifically, the first area of my research focuses on developing and evaluating the effectiveness of digital communication technology to help individuals prevent chronic diseases and improve their health. The second area of my research focuses on finding innovative ways to monitor and predict lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes using big data (i.e. social media data) in order to better target and personalize digital health interventions. 

Educational Qualifications
Post-Doctoral Fellow: University of California Los Angeles (2016)
Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto (2015)
M.Sc. Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto (2010)
Bachelor of Physical and Health Education - Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto (2008)

Office: MCK 124


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Current Team Members

Click on a name or photo for more information about their research and contact information.

 Parker Cotie

 India Edwards-Loewen

Parker Cotie

Research Assistant

 India Edwards-Loewen

Research Assistant 

Sharan Gopalan

Rebecca Jantzen

Sharan Gopalan, MSc, MSc, BTech

PhD Student 

Research Area: Youth physical activity and well-being


Rebecca Jantzen, MSc 

Research Lab Manager

Henry La Anna Sui

  Henry La



Anna Sui, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow 

Research Area: Digital health intervention implementation

 Liam O'Malley

Natasha Tat

Liam O'Malley

Research Assistant

Natasha Tat, BASc

MSc Student

Research Area: Virtual Reality health interventions 

Cameron Trim

 Amanda Willms

 Cameron Trim, BA

MSc Student

Research Area: mHealth 

Amanda Willms, MSc, BA

PhD Student

Research Area: mHealth and Financial Incentives 



Rebecca Coulter, MSc (2023)

Research Area: Wearable Devices and Physical Activity Motivation

Josie Chrenek (2023)

Research Assistant

Brenda Adams, MEd, BSc (2023)

PhD Candidate

Kayla Nuss, PhD (2022)

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Jeann Buenafe (2022)

Research Coordinator

Alyssa Roehrich, MSc (2022)

Project: Smartphone Addiction and Well-being in Adolescents: Testing the Mediating Role of Self-Regulation and Attention

Sam Lapusniak, MSc (2022)

Project: Physical Activity Promotion in Children Using a Novel Smartphone Game

Bianca DeSilva, MSc (2021)

Research Coordinator

Amanda Willms, MSc (2021)

Project: Financial Incentives for Physical Activity and Heart Health

Utkarsh Patadia (2021)


Rafay Chaudhry (2021)


Keatton Tiernan (2021)

Undergraduate BSc Student

Ronak Sheikhi (2021)

Undergraduate BSc Student

Nick Smith (2021)

Research Assistant

Megan Perdew (2021)

Research Coordinator

Parm Johal (2020)

Web Developer

Utkarsh Patadia (2020)

Web Developer

Kahvi Patel (2020)

Web Developer

Dimas Adiputranto (2020)

Project: A Feasibility Study Evaluating a Family-Centered Web-Based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity Among Children

Si Ning Yeo

Research Assistant

Francisco Colino, PhD (2019)

Project: Evaluating the accuracy of wearable technologies measuring physical activity in older adults

Isabela Marques, PhD (2019)

Project: Physical activity interventions for older adults and children using mobile health

Chloe Paradiso

Project: Assess the validity and accuracy of wearables in measuring physical activity and heart rate

Brian Chan (2018)

Project: Monitor physical activity level using social media data

Danielle Fransen (2018)

Project: Evaluating the effects of cell phone use on the student's academic performance

David Doo (2018)

Project: Assessing methods of using social media data to predict depression

Meagan Pelletier (2018)

Project: Evaluating gamification strategies in web-based interventions aimed to promote physical activity among adults