IESVic webinar: Imaging Energy and Power of Environmental Physical Systems

Wed., June 23
11:00am-  12:00pm
Online (**Zoom link below**)


This seminar will give an overview of the research and development of seven imaging systems, four of which are focused on the use and measurement of power and energy for environmental purposes. Using Mossbauer spectroscopy and software defined radio (SDR), these systems cover a length scale from the nucleus of the atom to the far reaches of space.

Dr. Herring will also discuss the Hydroxyl Radical Reactor (HHR) and the SDR Earth Imager. The HHR is able to efficiently degrade organics, ammonia, pharmaceuticals, phenols, and possibly "forever chemicals" and heavy metals- all at relatively very low power compared to current methods of cleaning.

The SDR Earth Imager measures the amplitude, frequency and wavevectors of waves existing on the surface of Earth’s ionization layers, Earth’s largest and most sensitive sensors. Dr. Herring will explain how this system is able to measure the power, energy and location of Earth disturbing events such as power generating stations, transmission lines and energy distribution centers.   

Dr. Rodney Herring has a BASc and MASc in Engineering Materials from the University of Windsor and a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Birmingham, UK  in 1985. He has approximately 15 years working history in industry, 10 years in government research and 20 years in academia at UVic affiliated with CBR and CAMTEC.


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