IESVic webinar- Decarbonization of the building heating system in Metro Vancouver: Comparison of two transition pathways

Kevin Palmer-Wilson

Wednesday, March 31
1:00- 2:00pm
Online (Zoom details below)

This seminar considers the decarbonization of building heating in Vancouver, BC, by comparing two transition pathways: the substitution of natural gas with electricity, and gas produced from renewable sources.

Fuel consumption and efficiency records inform end-use space heat, water heat, and electricity demand. A one-year hourly capacity expansion and dispatch model determines electricity generation, gas production, and respective storage capacities able to supply all demand. The results show both pathways to reduce emissions by around 80%, but as Dr. Palmer-Wilson explains, capacity requirements are sensitive to energy demand, technology costs, and available resources.


Dr. Kevin Palmer-Wilson is a University of Victoria post-doctoral fellow in search of electrification and renewable gas transition options. His PhD at UVic’s Institute for Integrated Energy Systems lead him to quantify geothermal energy potentials, land area impacts, and infrastructure requirements of western Canada’s energy transition. Before coming to Victoria, Kevin developed on-shore wind farms in Germany, evaluated wind resources for the South Pacific nation of Tonga, and raced a solar-powered car through Australia. Kevin is a mechanical engineer and industrial mechanic by training, a mapping nerd by curiosity, a software coder for fun, and a bicycle enthusiast by choice.

Link to Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 851 8038 9540
Password: 707271

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