IESVic seminar: Kluane Lake Research Station – Renewables and hydrogen microgrid project


Sophie Janke

Fri., December 9th

1:00-2:00 pm


In-person: ECS 660

Online: Zoom (details below)

The KLRS Renewables and Hydrogen Microgrid Project (KLRS RH2) aims to demonstrate how a remote facility may operate year-round on renewable energy when paired with hydrogen storage. The pilot project will define a viable, scalable renewable energy storage concept that will provide valuable insights and data to inform and shape future northern community initiatives. Such microgrids offer promising pathways to transition from emission-intensive diesel generators common within northern communities. The demonstrator will consist of an energy source (solar PV), energy storage & generation (hydrogen electrolysis + fuel cell), and energy demand (facility) with the objective of making a clear case for seasonal energy storage via hydrogen. This real-world example will showcase a complete renewable energy ecosystem, providing reliable, year-round power and heat – even in a challenging northern Canadian climate.

KLRS RH2 Cover Image

Sophie Janke recently completed her Chemical Engineering undergraduate degree at Dalhousie University. Throughout her studies she gained valuable experiences in the realm of renewable energy, energy storage, and hydrogen. She is now working as a Hydrogen Project Manager and Storage Specialist with High Latitude Energy Consulting, a company based in northern Canada. Having grown up in the Yukon Territory, Sophie spends much of her free time outside, and has developed a deep rooted passion for the environment. Through projects and work experience, she has found a fondness for sustainable design, green energy, electrochemistry, and ocean chemistry. Throughout her career, she hopes to apply her engineering skills working with communities and organizations on impactful solutions related to environmental sustainability.

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