
Soil sampling for a litter decomposition field work

Plant extracts for phytochemical analysis

Shoot formation from masses of dividing poplar tree cells

Root induction in plant tissue culture medium

Director Dr Peter Constabel in the greenhouse with experimental lodgepole pine seedlings

Our state-of the-art greenhouse provides precisely controlled conditions
Our areas of research include conifer embryogenesis, plant stress physiology including water relations and gas exchange, plant and fungal molecular biology, functional genomics of plant natural products, plant-pest interactions, plant biochemistry and biotechnology, and microbial ecology and carbon sequestration by forests and soils.
Visit a faculty member's profile page for details on his/her research:
- Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Ecology of Herbivore Defense and Phenolic Metabolism in Trees - Peter Constabel
- Functional Genomics of Plant Natural Products - Juergen Ehlting
- Mineral nutrition and cold tolerance of tree seedlings - Barbara Hawkins
- Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology - Will Hintz
- Molecular Biology and Microbial Ecology of Soil - Real Roy
- Embryogenesis, water relations of embryos, and in vitro fertilization - Patrick von Aderkas
Research facilities
In addition to the Forest Biology Compound, we also operate the Bev Glover Greenhouse Research Facility, which opened in 2002.
Graduate student research
Graduate students wishing to take part in the work of the centre should contact professors directly, and subsequently apply to the Biology Graduate Program. They may conduct their thesis research working with collaborating scientists. Both MSc and PhD research and training is conducted through the centre. Learn more.