Opening reception for the 2018-19 South Asia Global Forum

September 20, 2018
03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Community event Lecture
Sedgewick C168


This event is the opening reception for the 2018-19 academic year for CAPI's South Asia Global Forum (SAGF), a collective of UVic faculty members from across a range of disciplines whose work focuses on South Asia.

During this event, we'll share the achievements of our 2017-18 SAGF activities, highlight this year's upcoming events, as well as share with faculty and students the opportunities to work in India via the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute as well as a range of other options. 

In 2018-19, we are hosting two visitors from Indian univeristies, including Dr. Rinku Lamba of JNU's Centre for Political Studies, as well as Dr. Dhir Sarangi, of JNU's Centre for Francophone Studies. We also, in conjunction with UVic's Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, are hosting Dr. Ramesh Bairy of IIT-Bombay for a four-month fellowship residency. A key aspect of our 2018-19 calendar will also feature a lecture and seminar discussion by Mr. Amitav Ghosh, the writer and anthropologist, who will speak about his fiction as well as the issues of environmental politics in the Indian Ocean.

CAPI Senior Research Fellow Neilesh Bose

This event is organized by CAPI Senior Research Fellow Neilesh Bose, an Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair with UVic's Department of History.

Jonathan Woods