ARCNet Events
Astronomy Technology Development, Opportunities and Collaboration at the Herzberg Research Center
Dr.Alan McConnachie (NRC)
Friday, October 22, 12:00 p.m. PDT
in person: UVic, Clearihue A224
Come, let’s play in a Machine Learning sandbox
Dr. Karun Thanjavur
November 14/2019, 2:30 pm
UVic, CLE D131
So, you want to use machine learning in your research, but don't know where to start?
Dr. Karun Thanjavur (UVic) and Dr. Seb Fabbro (NRC)
October 17/2019, 2:30 pm
UVic, CLE D131
Deep learning predictions of galaxy merger stage and the importance of observational realism
Connor Bottrell (UVic)
September 4/2019, 3:00 pm
UVic, ELL 160
Coronagraphic imaging performance prediction with random forests
Henry Ngo (NRC)
March 14/2019, 11:00 am
NRC-Herzberg, LCR
Assessment of astronomical images using combined machine learning models
Dr. Hossen Teimoorinia (HAA)
February 28/2019, 10:00 am
UVic, CLE C113
UVic, CLE C113
Investigating Galaxy Evolution with Deep Learning
Prof Marc Huertas-Company (Paris Observatory)
January 10/2019, 10:00 am
UVic, CLE C110
UVic, CLE C110
Generative and interpretable deep learning for stellar spectra
Teaghan O'Brian (UVic)
January 11/2019, 2:30 pm
January 11/2019, 2:30 pm
UVic, ELL 162
The continuing voyages of StarNet: Deep learning of optical spectra
Spencer Bialek (UVic)
December 13/2018, 3:00 pm
December 13/2018, 3:00 pm
NRC-Herzberg, LCR
From AGN to molecular clouds: Neural networks in extragalactic and galactic contexts
Jared Keown (UVic)
November 26/2018, 10:00 am
UVic, CLE A314
Tracing the halo of the Milky Way with machine learning algorithms
Guillaume Thomas (HAA)
October 19/ 2018, 1:00 pm
UVic, DSB C116
Fall 2018 Matrix Seminar Series
The Matrix Institute’s seminar series runs from September to December. For more inforrmation go to:
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School
One week annual program supported by CIFAR.
Frontiers Development Lab
Annual summer program co-organized by SETI, NASA and industry partners (e.g. Google and IBM) to connect computer scientists and research astronomers/students to work on real research problems.