Lois Holizki has retired from the University of Victoria

Lois Holizki, Manager of the UVic Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, has retired from the University of Victoria. Lois has been the backbone of the institute for 23 years and the person that everyone has turned to for help. Lois has long promoted and advocated for activities and research that advance the well-being and interests of the older person. As a gifted administrator, who has worked with each one of the Institute Directors, and multi-tasker Lois has worked with all levels of staff, faculty and students to make sure the institute’s project goals are met on a daily basis. In 2014, she received the President's Distinguished Service Award for her commitment to the Institute and the University of Victoria.

The Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health thanks Lois for her many years of service and wish her all the best in her retirement.