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Post-doctoral fellows

Post-doctoral fellows (PDFs) at UVic make a vital impact by contributing to research while gaining hands-on training in Canada’s extraordinary academic environment.

A PDF will have a PhD, normally awarded in the 4 years immediately prior to the start of the first post-doctoral fellowship at the university.

A faculty member supervises a PDF, whether grant-funded or externally-funded (bringing their own funding).

The information below is for PDFs, faculty members supervising PDFs, host departments and research centres.

Appointing a post doc

Faculty members who supervise PDFs and those interested in becoming post-doctoral fellows should familiarize themselves with the policy and appointment procedures.

International PDFs

If you're a faculty supervisor wishing to recruit an international PDF or if you are a prospective international post-doctoral scholar, consider that getting the proper documentation can take time.

International PDFs who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada will need to apply for a work permit and/or visa in order to come to Canada for their fellowship.

Obtaining these documents is the PDF's responsibility and the process can take up to several months or more depending on where they are from.


There are several external post-doctoral fellowship opportunities available. All external funding applications need to be approved internally before submission to the funding agency.

Check with your faculty grants officer to find out if an RASF is required.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is the most prestigious and competitive postdoctoral award in Canada. The objective of the program is to attract top-tier postdoctoral trainees at an internationally competitive level to develop their leadership potential, positively contributing to Canada's economic, social and research-based growth.

A total of 70 fellowships are awarded each year, distributed equally between Canada's three tri-council agencies:

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Fellowships are valued at $70,000 CAD (taxable income) per year for 2 years.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program distinguishes itself from other postdoctoral fellowships programs by its emphasis on the synergy between:

  • a top-tier candidate (their individual merit and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career); and
  • the host institution (its commitment to the research program and environment with which the applicant is to be affiliated)

An applicant to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must complete their application in full collaboration with the proposed supervisor and host institution. UVic will select and endorse only the highest-calibre postdoctoral candidates following an internal selection process.

Important dates

  • UVic internal deadline (draft application): June 5, 2024, noon PT
  • UVic internal Research Application Summary Form (RASF) deadline: September 3, 2024
  • Banting external deadline (full application): September 17, 2024 
  • Results announced in February/March 2025

How to apply

  • Applicants and supervisors must follow the UVic Banting application process.
  • NEW as of 2023: The UVic Banting pre-selection process and the UVic Aspiration Postdoctoral Fellowship program will use the same application format and timeline. Please indicate on the first page of the application coversheet which program(s) you are applying to. Completed internal applications must be submitted to

Email us for more information on UVic's internal application process for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships.

The Aspiration Post-doctoral Fellowship program provides competitive match-funding for faculty to recruit outstanding new post-doctoral fellows to conduct the highest quality research at UVic.

  • Applications are due June 5, 2024 (noon, PST)
  • Results announced in early July 2024
  • Fellowships must begin by December 1, 2024

  • two-year fellowship valued at $55,000 per year (plus $7,500 per year non-cash value in training)
  • customized training in professional and R&D management skills
  • long-term research project with a partner organization in the private or non-profit sector
  • open to all disciplines

Visit the MITACS website or contact for more information.

For potential funding opportunities, see our list of major funding competitions for post-doctoral fellowships  in Canada.

Refer to individual funding websites for full details on:

  • applicant eligibility
  • application process
  • application forms

All external funding applications must be approved internally before submission to the funding agency.

The RASF requires the following signatures:

  • faculty grants officer
  • research centre director, if applicable
  • department chair or school director
  • dean of faculty

Contact the your faculty grants officer or the for more information on UVic's external funding application process.

Advertising PDF positions

Are you a faculty member seeking a PDF, either paid by your grant or bringing your own external funding? Contact ORS for ideas on sharing PDF opportunities.

Email the following information:  

  • faculty member/supervisor’s name
  • department/unit at which the PDF will be held
  • a brief description in an email, electronic document (e.g., Word or Adobe PDF) or on a website (e.g., department, lab or personal research website) outlining the following:
    • description of the PDF position
    • salary/benefits
    • how to apply (what to submit, and how)
    • application deadline

Note: UVic does not have a central posting web page for advertising PDF positions. 

Pay Transparency Act

From November 1, 2023, the Pay Transparency Act requires employers to specify the expected salary or wage, or the expected salary or wage range, on all publicly advertised job opportunities.

This new requirement applies to any advertised faculty, librarian and staff vacancies posted through UVic Careers, on the VPAC or departmental websites, or through third-party platforms such as job boards, LinkedIn or a search firm. The requirement applies to jobs advertised in other jurisdictions if the position is open to B.C. residents and may be filled by someone living in B.C., either in-person or remotely. 

Advertisements must not include an unspecified minimum or maximum amount. For example: 

  • “$20 per hour and up” or “up to $30 per hour” does not meet the requirement.
  • “$20-$30 per hour” does meet the requirement.

Need help?

If you are currently a post-doctoral fellow at UVic, your supervisor is always your first point of contact for any questions. Or, email us.