Research outputs
Maneesha Deckha:- “Animal (Rights) Law: Fifty Years of Taking Exception to Human Exceptionalism Amidst Enduring Themes” (2023) 50:3 Dal Law Journal 339-377. Open access:
- "Animalization and Dehumanization Concerns: Another Psychological Barrier to Animal Law Reform” (2023) 2:2 PHAIR: Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations 1-16, Art e10147, open access:
- “Human Children, Nonhuman Animals, and a Plant-Based Vegan Future” In Feminist Animal and Multispecies Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2023), 175-204. Open access:
- “Sup-Plant-ing Anthropocentric Legalities: Can the Rule of Law Tolerate Intensive Animal Agriculture?”, In International Law and Posthuman Theory, eds Mathilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones (London: Routledge, 2023).
Jodey Castricano:
- “Learning by Heart: Storytelling and Animal Loss in the Anthropocene” in Lost Kingdom: Animal Death in the Anthropocene, Wendy A. Wiseman, Burak Kesgin (Eds.) Willmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2024, 125-147.
Lisa Warden:
- "Jati Kutta: the street dog, the servant, and me" (2022) 25:1 Between the Species.
Tayler Zavitz:
- "Nothing to hide: How governments justify the adoption of ag-gag laws" (2024). Article by Anelyse M. Weiler, Tayler Zavitz, Canadian Review of Sociology, Nov. 2024
- "Animal Oppression and Solidarity: Examining Representations of Animals and Their Allies in Twenty-First Century Media" (2021). Article by Tayler Zavitz and Corie Kielbiski, published in Media, Networking Knowledge 14 (2), Climate, Creatures and COVID-19 Special Issue. [View full article at Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association.]
Holly Cecil:
- The iAnimal Film Series: Activating Empathy Through Virtual Reality (2021) 6:1 Screen Bodies. DOI:
Collaborative Research


by Daniel Jakopovich, PhD

by Angus Taylor: