Academic programs & postings

- Animal Law Courses offered globally: database at Global Animal Law
- Animals & Society Institute: Degrees and Programs in Human-Animal Studies, including Animal Law. The Animals & Society Institute “improves and expands knowledge about human-animal relationships.” Promotes human-animal-studies programs and scholarly research across universities and colleges.
- Australasian Animal Studies Association
- The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, “dedicated to producing and disseminating outstanding, independent, academic, and public policy research and programming, and pursuing projects and initiatives focused on advancing law and policy pertaining to animals.”
- Culture & Animals Foundation: Grants, Fellowships, Festivals, Lectures
- Global Research Network: Think Tank Programme on Animals & Biodiversity
- Institute for Critical Animal Studies. Publishes peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal, Journal for Critical Animal Studies
- International Society for Anthrozoology. Publishes bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal Anthrozoös
- Minding Animals International
- Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (OCAE) is an independent centre pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication. OCAE comprises more than one hundred academic fellows drawn from the sciences and the humanities.
- Ontario – Brock University: Concentration in Critical Animal Studies (Sociology)
- Ontario – Queen’s University: A.P.P.L.E. – Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law, and Ethics
- Ontario – University of Ottawa: Minor in Animal Studies
- Ontario – University of Toronto, Faculty of Law: Introduction to Animals & the Law
- Ontario – University of Windsor: Anthrozoology (Certificate and Minor Programs)
United States
- California – University of California LA, School of Law: Animals, Ethics, Law, and Policy
- Colorado – University of Denver, Sturm College of Law: Animal Law Program
- Connecticut – Wesleyan University: Wesleyan Animal Studies
- Connecticut – Yale Law School: Law, Ethics & Animals Program (LEAP)
- Massachusetts – Harvard Law School: Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program
- New York – New York University: Animal Studies Initiative, and Center for Environmental and Animal Protection (CEAP)
- Oregon – Lewis & Clark Law School: Animal Law LLM Program, Center for Animal Law Studies
- Vermont – Vermont Law and Graduate School: Animal Law and Policy Institute
- Animals in Society Working Group
- New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies
- University of Melbourne: Human Rights and Animal Ethics Research Network
- University of Sydney: Human-Animal Research Network
- University of Wollongong: Animal Studies Research Network (ASRN)
United Kingdom
- The British Animal Studies Academic Network
- The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
- Edge Hill University Research Centre: Centre for Human Animal Studies</
- University of Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law
- University of Exeter: MA and PhD Programs in Anthrozoology
- University of Oxford: The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and Animals in Pandemics
European Union
- European Association of Critical Animal Studies
- FINLAND – University of Helsinki: Helsinki Animal Law Centre
- SPAIN – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona: The Centre for Animal Ethics
- SPAIN – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona: COMPASS: (Lobbying and Compassion. Interest groups, discourse and nonhuman animals in Spain)
- SWEDEN – Lund University: Critical Animal Studies Network
- SWEDEN – University of Gothenburg: GU-CAS – Network for Critical Animal Studies in the Anthropocene – is an interdisciplinary platform for addressing human-animal relations and their ethical, social, and environmental ramifications.
- SWITZERLAND – University of Zurich: Center for Animal Law and Ethics (CALE)
- – Outreach and research in defense of animals. Includes videos in 120 languages, and YouTube courses in Animal Suffering and Animal Ethics.
- Animal Think Tank (UK, launching 2022)
- Animals & Media (US) – Style guidelines for media practitioners in the professions of journalism, entertainment media, advertising, and public relations.
- Animal Ethics from the Margins – highlights the work of underrepresented voices in the animal ethics literature, with a special focus on early career researchers who are members of historically marginalized groups.
- Animal Law Digest – The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law & Policy
- The European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS), a biennial conference (meets in odd-numbered years).
- Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries – “accredit and recognize sanctuaries and rescue centres, support them to achieve the highest Standards of Excellence, promote collaboration, and raise awareness of their work”
- Kerulos Learning Institute – (Gay Bradshaw, PhD, Executive Director) “Focuses on trans-species psychology, the theory and methods for the study and care of animal psychological well-being and multi-species cultures.”
- Nonhuman Rights Project – Steven Wise. “Humans are not the only animals entitled to recognition and protection of their fundamental rights.”
- North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS): a biennial conference for critical, anti-speciesist research in human-animal relations (meets in even-numbered years).
- The Sentience Institute – Expanding Humanity’s Moral Circle
- We Animals Media – Photojournalists including Jo-Anne McArthur. “As the world’s leading animal photojournalism agency, We Animals Media documents how animals are used for human purposes. We work with NGOs, media and advocates to tell animal stories and make change.”
Join Animal-related Listserves:
- H-Animal, H-Net’s network on the study of animals in human culture
- Ruminations, Overview of Animal Studies by discipline (H-Animal)
Academic Journals
- Animal Studies Journal, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published twice annually.
- Between the Species, a journal for the study of Philosophy and Animals. Peer-reviewed, open-access online journal published
- Humanimalia, peer-reviewed, online journal, published twice annually at DePauw University
- Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (LEOH), an online, peer-reviewed Platinum open-access journal published at the University of Zurich, Center for Animal Law and Ethics
- Journal for Critical Animal Studies
- Society & Animals, Journal of Human-Animal Studies (Brill)
Teaching Resources
- H-Animal Syllabus Exchange