Dr. Katie Stockdale

Dr. Katie Stockdale
Associate Professor; Grad Coordinator
Office: CLE B312 | Mon & Thurs 11:30am - 12:30pm

History: BA (Western), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie)

Area of expertise

Moral psychology, feminist philosophy, social and political philosophy

Katie joined the department as an Assistant Professor in 2019 and was previously an Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University. She was also a research fellow in the Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations Project at Cornell University. 



Hope Under Oppression, Oxford University Press (2021). Published as an audiobook by Tantor Media and reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews and Mind.

Peer-Reviewed Articles & Book Chapters:​

  • “Collective Forgiveness” in the Routledge Handbook of Forgiveness, ed. Robert Enright and Glen Pettigrove (forthcoming).

  • “Moral Shock,” Journal of the American Philosophical Association (2022).

  • “Controlling Hope” with Michael Milona, Ratio 34, 4 (2021): 345-354.

  • “Hope, Solidarity, and Justice” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7, 2 (2021): 1-23.

  • “Emotional Hope" in The Moral Psychology of Hope, ed. Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl. Rowman and Littlefield, 2019.

  • “Social and Political Dimensions of Hope” in Journal of Social Philosophy 50, 1 (2019): 28-44.

  • “A Perceptual Theory of Hope” with Michael Milona in Ergo 5, 8 (2018): 203-222.

  • “Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness” in Hypatia 32, 2 (2017): 363-379.

  • “Whither Bioethics Now? The Promise of Relational Theory” with Susan Sherwin in the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10, 1 (2017): 7-29.

  • “Collective Resentment” in Social Theory and Practice39, 3 (2013): 501-521.

For a detailed list of Dr. Stockdale's recent publications, please also see our "What We're Writing" page.


Faculty of Humanities Early Career Excellence in Research Award (2022)