2021 Canadian Historical Association PrizesĀ 

Three members of our department have been recently recognized for excellence in research, community partnerships, and public engagement. Congratulations! 

Rachel Hope Cleves (History) is the recipient of the 2021 of the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize for Unspeakable: A Life Beyond Sexual Morality. This award recognizes the outstanding book in a field of history other than Canadian History. 

Eric Sager’s book Inequality in Canada: The History and Politics of an Idea was shortlisted for the 2021 Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Prize from the Canadian Historical Association. This award recognizes the non-fiction work of Canadian history judged to have made the most significant contribution to an understanding of the Canadian past. 

Jordan Stanger-Ross and Landscapes of Injustice are the recipients of the 2021 Practice Category for the Public History Award from the Canadian Historical Association. This award recognizes work that achieves high standards of original research, scholarship, and presentation; brings an innovative public history contribution to its audience; and serves as a model for future work, advancing the field of public history in Canada.