Notice of the Final Oral Examination

for the Degree of Master of Arts



BA (University of Victoria, 2015)

“A Human History of TI’ches, 1860-1970”

Department of History

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

2:00 P.M


Remote Defence


Supervisory Committee:
Dr. John Lutz, Department of History, University of Victoria (Supervisor)
Dr. Wendy Wickwire, Department of History, UVic (Member)

External Examiner:
Dr. Darcy Mathews, School of Environmental Studies, UVic
Chair of Oral Examination:
Dr. Darlene Clover, Department of Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies, UVic
Dr. David Capson, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies



This thesis is a human history of Tl’ches (Discovery and Chatham Islands) between 1860 and 1967. It presents Songhees and Settler life on the archipelago, as well as the dispossession of Songhees lands. Detailing processes of colonialism as it unfolded, as well as Songhees resistance to it, this thesis represents a microcosm of colonialism in the lands now called British Columbia.


Tl’ches; Discovery and Chatham Islands; Songhees; Lekwungen; Straits Salish; Colonialism; Reserves; Smallpox; anthropology; ethnohistory; history; oral traditions