Spotlight on Alumni Series

Our 2017 alumni spotlight offered the double-bill “West” with Danette Boucher’s “Lady Overlander” and “The Fred Wells Show” by James Douglas

In 2016, Charles Ross performed all three of his one-man shows in our alumni spotlight: Star Wars, The Dark Knight and Lord of the Rings

In 2013, our alumni spotlight was “Kitt and Jane,” directed by Kathleen Greenfield and starring Ingrid Hansen

Our 2009 alumni spotlight featured “The Josephine Knot” by Meg Braem


Our 2015 alumni spotlight offered the mask-based physical piece “Loon” by Kate Braidwood

The Department of Theatre puts the spotlight on our alumni as graduates return—now part of their own or other theatre companies—to present their plays or projects that have met with marked success in the world.

Alumni work together with department production and management students to produce their work on the Phoenix stages. It is also an opportunity to share experiences with current theatre students through talkback sessions and the production process.