Event Details

Transmission Control for Compressive Sensing Video over Wireless Channel

Presenter: Siyuan Xiang
Supervisor: Dr. Lin Cai

Date: Thu, February 7, 2013
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



In this paper, we consider a wireless sensor node monitoring the environment and it is equipped with a compressive-sensing based, single-pixel image camera and other sensors such as temperature and humidity sensors. The wireless node needs to send the data out in a timely and energy efficient way. This transmission control problem is challenging in that we need to jointly consider perceived video quality, quality variation, power consumption and transmission delay requirements, and the wireless channel uncertainty. We address the above issues by first building a rate-distortion model for compressive sensing video. Then we formulate the deterministic and stochastic optimization problems and design the transmission control algorithm which jointly performs rate control, scheduling and power control. Extensive simulations have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed transmission control algorithm.