MEng: BEST Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the Master of Engineering (MEng) in Building Envelopes and Structures (BEST) — the first of its kind in North America!

 Front and Aerial view of ECS


Launching in September 2025, this 12-month program, with an optional 8-month co-op work term, offers students the chance to specialize at the forefront of building envelope design and structural engineering. The program is designed to tackle critical challenges in the construction industry, particularly those related to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Program Structure:

  • Minimum 15 units required (12 units from coursework, 3 from the project).
  • Entry points: January/September.
  • Program length: 1 year, plus optional co-op work terms (8-month maximum co-op).


  • 6 core courses
  • 2 elective courses
  • 1 mandatory 8-month project

Research and Experiential Learning:

  • Research-enriched learning through the mandatory project.
  • Optional co-op offers additional experiential learning opportunities.
  • New engineering expansion buildings will be used for case studies and experiments.

Calendar Disclaimer

The Calendar is the official guide to all programs, courses, services and regulations of the University.  If there is any discrepancy between our website and the Calendar, the information in the Calendar is authoritative.

To view the MEng-BEST calendar entry, click here.

Core Courses

Fall Term

CIVE 551 - Advanced Building Envelope Design
CIVE 557 - Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures

Spring Term

CIVE 524 - Building Science Case Studies
CIVE 558 - Timber Structures

Summer Term

CIVE 556 - Advanced Concrete Technology
CIVE 571 - Engineering Engagement in Projects and Communities


Elective Courses

Two courses selected from the following:

CIVE 412 - Infrastructure Engineering for Indigenous Communities
CIVE 420 - Advanced Mechanics of Solids
CIVE 421 - Advanced Structural Analysis
CIVE 450 - Green Building Design
CIVE 453 - Building Energy Simulation
CIVE 470 - Case Studies in Construction Management
CIVE 485 - Foundation Engineering
CIVE 523 - Composite Structures
CIVE 522 - Finite Element Method
CIVE 553 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CIVE 554 - Sustainable Infrastructure and Non-Destructive Health Monitoring
CIVE 555 - Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering
CIVE 586 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
CIVE 587 - Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering
CIVE 580 - Special Topics (to be approved by program director and supervisor)
CIVE 590 - Directed Studies (to be approved by program director and supervisor)

Mandatory Project and Optional Co-op


CIVE 598

Supervised project on Building Envelopes and/or Structures.The topic of the project and the supervisor to be be selected by the end of the first term of enrollment.     

Co-op Program

Optional: Up to 8-month co-op placement (additional co-op fee will apply). Students can graduate after completion of coursework and the mandatory project.

Remedial Courses


Remedial courses are available for students needing to strengthen fundamental engineering knowledge (require approval from the Program Director and Supervisor):

CIVE 250 - Structural Analysis
CIVE 270 - Construction and Project Management
CIVE 352 - Reinforced Concrete Structural Design
CIVE 351 - Design of Steel and Timber Structures
CIVE 385 - Geotechnical Engineering 


Faculty and Focus

Dr. Ralph Evins - Building Energy

Dr. Thomas Froese - Project Management

Dr. Rishi Gupta - Construction Materials

Dr. Cheng Lin - Geotechnical & Foundation Engineering

Dr. Sardar Malek - Mechanics & Structural Analysis

Dr. Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya - Building Envelopes & Structural Design

Dr. Min Sun - Structural Analysis & Design

Dr. Lina Zhou - Structural Design & Analysis


Admission Requirements:

Students to be admitted to the MEng-BEST program will primarily have bachelor’s degrees in civil/mechanical engineering, or other related areas of engineering or science (e.g., architecture, aerospace, applied mechanics, environmental, physics, (etc.). Students from other disciplines such as city planning, forestry/timber engineering, (etc.), may also be eligible if they have suitable work experience and technical/mathematical skills.


September 2025 intake application end date:
June 30 for both international and domestic students

January 2026 intake application end date:
August 31 for international students, and
October 31 for domestic students

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis in the order they are received; therefore, we encourage applicants to apply early. International students, note that processing times for study permits vary and you must have a valid permit to start your program.

 Now accepting applications through The Application Portal.


The MEng-BEST program combines state-of-the-art research and industry applications, equipping graduates with the knowledge and expertise to lead in the evolving fields of sustainable construction and advanced engineering solutions.

We invite you to take part in this innovative program and stay ahead in your career. 

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