Cecilia M. Benoit

Cecilia M. Benoit
Professor, Emerita

PhD (Toronto, 1989)

Area of expertise

Social equity, work, health & health care

Cecilia Benoit (she/her) is a Scientist at the Canadian Institute of Substance Use Research and Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on social equities in employment, health and health care for people who face structural disadvantage and unfair treatment in Canadian society. These groups include midwives; childbearing women desiring access to non-medical health care; street-involved youth in transition to adulthood; pregnant women confronting substance use, poverty and housing insecurity; and adults who sell sexual services.

CISUR contact information

Office: TEF 263
Phone: 250-853-3132
Fax: 250-472-5321

See also:
1. Cecilia's UVic Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research profile page
2. Cecilia's dedicated research site: understandingsexwork.ca


  • Social equity & social justice 
  • Sex work & social rights
  • Midwifery & maternity care
  • Substance use
  • Stigma & resiliency
  • Street-involved youth
  • Intersectionality

Faces of UVic Research video

Cecilia Benoit is involved in a variety of projects that employ mixed methodologies to investigate the health of different marginalized groups.

In this video she discusses the effect of stigma on these peoples' ability to receive appropriate health care.


Reconceiving Midwifery Valuing Care Work Why Girls' and Women's Health Matters Women, Work and Social Rights
Finding Dignity in Health and Health Care Work Society: The Basics Birth by Design Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth


Books and special issues of edited journals

2017. Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C. 'I feel like I've really grown up': The experiences of emerging adulthood among street-involved youth. Oxford University Press: New York, USA.

2016. Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M., Benoit, C.M. & Burkowicz, J. Society: the basics: Sixth Canadian edition.  Scarborough, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.

2013. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. Bouchard, L. (Eds.). Sociology insights on inequities in health and health care. Special issue of Healthcare Policy, 9. October.

2012. Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M & Benoit, C.M. Society, the basics: Fifth Canadian edition. Scarborough, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.

2011. Benoit, C. & Hallgrimsdottir, H. (Eds.). Valuing care work: Comparative perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2009. Bourgeault, I. & Benoit, C. (Eds.). Comparative perspectives on the professions. Special issue. Current Sociology, 57(4).

2008. Benoit, C. & Hallgrimsdottir, H. (Eds.). Finding dignity in health care and health care work. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2, 99.

2008. Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M. & Benoit, C. Society, the basics: Fourth Canadian edition. Scarborough: Pearson Education Canada

2006. Benoit, C. & Shaver, F.M. (Eds.). Critical perspectives on sex industry work in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Special issue, 43(3).

2006. Leadbeater, B., Banister, E., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Marshall, A., & Riecken, T. (Eds.). Ethical issues in community-based research with children and youth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2005. Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M. & Benoit, C. Society, the basics: Third Canadian edition. Scarborough: Pearson Education Canada.

2004. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. & Davis-Floyd, R. (Eds.). Reconceiving midwifery. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2002. Macionis, J.J., Jansson, S.M., & Benoit, C. Society, the basics: Second Canadian edition. Scarborough: Pearson Education Canada.

2001. DeVries, R., Benoit, C., Van Teijlingen, E. & Wrede, S. (Eds.). Birth by design: Pregnancy, maternity care and midwifery in North America and Europe. London: Routledge.

2000. Benoit, C. Women, work and social rights: Canada in historical and comparative perspective. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Canada.

1999. Hellberg, I., Saks, M. & Benoit, C. (Eds.). Professional identities in transition: Cross-cultural dimensions. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell International.

1999. Macionis, J.J., Benoit, C. & Jansson, S.M. Society, the basics: First Canadian edition. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Canada.

1991. Benoit, C. Midwives in passage: The modernization of maternity care. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland ISER Press.

Journal articles 2009 - present

2017. Roth, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M. Public drinking venues as risk environments: Commercial sex, alcohol and violence in Nairobi, Kenya. Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

2017. Ghosh, H., Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. Meeting health service needs for urban Aboriginal women with co-morbid health concerns: Creating a safe place. Fourth World Journal.

2017. Benoit, C., Ouellet, N., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Smith, M. "Would you think  about doing sex for money?" Structure and agency in deciding to sell sex in Canada. Work, Employment & Society. Online at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0950017016679331

2016. Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Ouellet, N., Atchison, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R., Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. Lack of confidence in police creates a 'blue' ceiling for sex workers' safety. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques. 42(4): 456-468

2016. Rudrum, S., Oliffe, J., Benoit, C. Discourses of masculinity, femininity, and sexuality in Uganda's Stand Proud, Get Circumcised campaign. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 8(10): 1-15.

2016. Benoit, C., Ouellet, N., & Jansson, M. Unmet health care needs among sex workers in five census metropolitan areas of Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 107(3): e266-e271.

2016. Zadoroznyj, M., Benoit, C., & Berry, S. Beyond birth: Wormen's concerns about post-birth care in an Australian urban community. Women and Birth. 29: 153-9.

2015. Magnusson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Kennedy, M.C. Caregiving in the lives of street-involved youth from foster care. Child & Family Social Work DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12262.

2015. Benoit, C., McCarthy, B., & Jansson, M. Occupational stigma and mental health: Discrimination and depression among front-line service workers. Canadian Public Policy. 41, Issue Supplement 2, S61-S69.

2015. Atchinson, C., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Burnett, P., Kennedy, M.C., Ouellet, N. The influence of time and physical space on control in sex workers-client interactions. Research for Sex Work. 14, 35-36.

2015. Benoit, C., Magnus, S., Phillips, R., Marcellus, L. Complicating the morality discourse: Parents' constructions of problematic substance use. International Journal for Equity in Health.14:72 DOI: 10.1186/s12939-015-0206-7. URL: http://www.equityhealthj.com/content/14/1/72

2015. Benoit, C. Myth: All sex workers in Canada are victims. Science fact of science fiction? CIHR: Institute of Gender & Health. Issue 5. http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/49142.html

2015. Van Teijlingen, E., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Sandall, J., De Vries, R., Wrede, S. Learning from health care in other countries: the prospect of comparative reserch. Health Prospect: Journal of Public Health. 14, 1:8-12.

2015. Bassett-Gunter, R., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D., Blanchard, C., Rhodes, R. It's all about control? A comparison of theory of planned behaviour beliefs and healthy eating between couples without children and first-time parents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour. 47:216-224.

2015. Riecken, K., Wharf Higgins, J., Benoit, C. & Begoray, D. Reading into physical activity: The complex connection between health literacy and exercise. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. 5, 31-46.

2015. Butler, K., & Benoit, C. Citizenship practices among youth who have experienced government care. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 40, 25-49.

2015. Benoit, C., McCarthy, B., & Jansson, M. Stigma, sex work, and substance abuse: A comparative analysis. Sociology of Health & Illness. 37(3): 437-51.

2015. Marcellus, L., MacKinnon, K., Benoit, C., Phillips, R. 'They show up, they come back, they bring friends:' Re-envisioning definitions of success for programs supporting pregnant and early parenting women with problematic substance use. Qualitative Health Research. 25, 500-512.

2014. Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C.M., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., Levy Mline, R., Naylor, P.J., Symons Downs, D., Warburton, D. Belief-level markers of physical activity among young adult couples: Comparison across couples without children and new parents. Psychology & Health. 29, 1320-1340.

2014. Roth, E., Ngugli, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., & Jansson, M.  A reasoned action model of male client involvement in commercial sex work in Kibera, a large informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Human Organization.73, 174-182.

2014. Belle-Isle, L., Benoit, C. & Pauly, B. The role of community organizations in addressing health inequities through participatory processes. Action Research Journal. 12: 177-193.

2014. McCarthy, B., Benoit, C. & Jansson, M. Sex work: A comparative study. Archives of Sexual Behavior 43: 1379-90. 

2014. Benoit, C., Stengel, C., Marcellus, L., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Anderson, J., MacKinnon, K., Phillips, R., & Dearman, S. Providers’ constructions of pregnant and early parenting women who use substances. Sociology of Health & Illness. 36, 252-263.

2014. Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C.M., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., Levy Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D. Social correlates of physical activity across 12 months in cohort samples of couples without children expecting their first child and expecting their second child. Health Psychology. 33(8), 792-802. 

2013. Ivsins, A., Fischer, B., Benoit, C. & Roth, E. The social structural production of crack pipe sharing. Contemporary Drug Problems. 40, 481-504.                 

2013. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. Bouchard, L. Towards a sociology of health and healthcare. Sociology Insights on Inequities in Health and Health Care. Special issue of Healthcare Policy 9, 10-11.  

2013. Nasuti, G., Blanchard, C., Naylor, P. J., Levy-Milne, R., Warburton, D. E. R., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., and Rhodes, R. E. Comparison of the dietary intakes of new parents, second-time parents, and nonparents: A longitudinal study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic, (0) doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2013.07.042.

2013. Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. Exploring courtesy stigma among frontline care providers serving sex workers. Sociology Insights on Inequities in Health and Health Care. Special issue of Healthcare Policy 9, 139-151.

2013. Benoit, C., Ngugi, E., Roth, E., Jansson, M., Hallgrimsdottir, Sharpe, K. Benefits and constraints of intimate partnerships for HIV positive sex workers in Kibera, Kenya. International Journal for Equity in Health. 12:76 doi:10.1186/1475-9276-12-76.   

2013. Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C.M., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., Levy Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D. Social correlates of physical activity across 12 months in cohort samples of couples without children expecting their first child and expecting their second child. Health Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0033755.

2013. Bassett-Gunter, R., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D., Blanchard, C., Rhodes, R. Oh baby! Motivation for healthy eating during parenthood transitions: A longitudinal examination with a theory of planned behavior perspective. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-88.   

2013. Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C.M., Benoit, C., Symons Downs, D., Levy Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D. Physical activity and sedentary behavior trajectories across 12 months in cohort samples of couples without children, expecting their first child, and expecting their second child. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-10. doi:10.1007/s10865-013-9508-7. 

2013. Hallgrímsdóttir, H., Benoit, C. & Phillips, R. The Mother-Citizen and the Working-Girl: First-wave feminist citizenship claims in Canada and discursive opportunities for 21st century child-care policy. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 50(1): 27-51. doi:10.1111/cars.12001 

2013. Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Jansenberger, M. & Phillips, R. Disability stigmatization as a barrier to employment equity for legally-blind Canadians. Disability & Society, 28:7: 970-983.  doi: 10.1080/09687599.2012.741518 

2012. Benoit, C. & Stengel, C., Phillips, R., Zadoroznyj, M. & Berry, S. Privatization & marketization of post-birth care: the hidden cost for new mothers. International Journal for equity in Health. 11(1),61 doi:10.1186/1475-9276-11-61. 

2012. McCarthy, B., Benoit, C., Jansson, M. Regulating sex work: Heterogeneity in legal strategies for controlling prostitution. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 8, 255–71. 

2012. Zadoroznyj, M., Benoit, C. & Berry, S. Motherhood, medicine and markets: the Changing cultural politics of postnatal care provision. Sociological Research Online 17 (3) 24. Online at: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/17/3/24.

2012. Ngugli, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M., Roth, E. Family Kinship Patterns and Sex Work Involvement among Women from the Informal Urban Settlement of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. Human Ecology. Online at: DOI: 10.1007/s10745-012-9478-3.

2012. Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Vallance, K., & Hallgrimsdottir, H. Courtesy stigma: a hidden health concern among frontline service providers to sex workers. Sociology of Health and Illness. Article first published online: 21 NOV 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467.9566.2011.01410x

2012. Ngugia, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M. & Roth, E. Partners and Clients of Female Sex Workers in an Informal Urban Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 14, 17-30.

2010. Bernier, C., Kozyrskyj, A., Benoit, C., Becker, A & Marchessault, G. Body image and dieting attitudes among pre-adolescents. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 71(3), E34-40.

2010. Benoit, C., Zadoroznyj, M., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Treloar, A. & Taylor, K. Medical Dominance and Neoliberalism in Maternal Care Provision: The Evidence from Canada and Australia. Social Sciences & Medicine. 71, 475-481.

2010. Benoit, C. Historical linkages between reproduction, pronatalism and professional institutions in North America. Journal of Women's History. 22: 224-34.

2010. Rhodes, R.E., Benoit, C., Blanchard, C.M., Symons Downs, D., Levy Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D.E.R., Riecken, K., Pfaeffli, L.A. & Mark, R. Comparison of physical activity motivation and behaviour between age-matched parent and nonparent couples. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, S212.

2010. Benoit, C., Writing midwives into the historical record. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 9:7-9.

2010. Hankivsky, O., Reid, C., Varcoe, C., Clark, N., Benoit, C., & Brotmans, S. Putting theory into method: The promises of intersectional-type methodologies for advancing women's health research. International Journal of Equity in Health. 9(5)

2010. Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R., & Burns, D. In for the long haul: Knowledge translation between academic and non-profit organizations. Qualitative Health Research. 20: 131-143.

2010. Rhodes, R.E., Benoit, C., Blanchard, C.M., Symons Downs, D., Levy Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D.E.R., Riecken, K., & Pfaeffli, L.A. Predicting regular physical activity continuation after the onset of first-time parenthood. Annals of Behavioural Medicine. 39, S31.

2010. Stockwell, T., Reist, D., Macdonald, S., Benoit, C., & Jansson, M. Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: The Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia. Addictions, 105: 207-215.

2009. Benoit, C., Paterson, J. & Jansson, M. Engendering knowledge about sex workers, drug use and HIV/AIDS. Harm Reduction Journal, 6(5).

2009. Benoit, C., Shumka, L., Phillips, R., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Hankivsky, O. & Kobayashi, K., Reid, C & Brief, E. Explaining the health gap between girls and women in Canada. Sociological Research Online, 14(5).

2009. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. & Hirschkorn, K. Comparative perspectives on professional groups: Current issues and critical debates. Current Sociology, 57, 475-485.

2009. Sandall, J., Benoit, C., Van Teijlingen, E., Wrede, S., Westfall, R. & Murray, S. Social service professional or market expert? Maternity care relations under neoliberal healthcare reform. Current Sociology, 57, 529-553.

2009. Van Teijlingen, E., Wrede, S., Benoit, C., Sandall, J. & DeVries, R. Comparative analyses of youth sex education and maternity care in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands: The importance of social and cultural factors. Sociological Research Online, 14(1). Retrieved from: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/14/1/5.html.

Journal articles 2005 - 2008

2008. Benoit, C. & Hallgrímsdóttir, H. Engendering research on care and care work across different social contexts. Finding dignity in health care and health care work. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2, 99, S-7-10.

2008. Benoit, C. & Hallgrímsdottir, H. Pour favoriser la recherche sur les soins et le travail des soignants dans divers contextes sociaux. (French translation.) Finding dignity in health care and health care work. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2, 99, S-11-15.

2008. Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Hallgrimsdottir, H. & Roth, E. Street youth’s life course transitions. Comparative Social Research, 25, 329-357.

2008. Bourgeault, I., Declercq, E., Sandall, J., Wrede, S., Vanstone, M., Van Teijlingen, E., DeVries, R. & Benoit, C. Too posh to push? Comparative perspectives on maternal request caesarean sections in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Finland. Advances in Medical Sociology, 10, 99-123.

2008. Hallgrimsdottir, H., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., & Walby, K. Sporting girls, streetwalkers, and inmates of houses of ill-repute: Media narratives and the historical mutability of prostitution stigmas. Sociological Perspectives, 51(1), 119-138.

2008. Shumka, L. & Benoit, C. Social suffering and gaps in alternative health care for vulnerable women workers. Sociology of Health Care, 25, 255-278.

2008. Westfall, R. & Benoit, C. Compliance and resistance to medical dominance in women's accounts of their pregnancies. Sociological Research Online, 13(3).

2008. Wrede, S., Benoit, C. & Einarsdottir, T. Equity and dignity in maternity care provision in Canada, Finland and Iceland. Finding dignity in health care and health care work. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2, 99, 16-21.

2007. Benoit, C., Westfall, R., Treloar, A., Phillips, R. & Jansson, M. Social factors linked to postpartum depression: A mixed-methods longitudinal study. Journal of Mental Health, 16(6), 719-730.

2007. Hallgrimsdottir, H. & Benoit, C. From wage slaves to wage workers: Cultural opportunity structures and the evolution of the wage demands of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor, 1880-1900. Social Forces, 85(3), 1393-1412.

2007. Liem, J., Kozyrskyj, A., Benoit, C. & Becker, A. Asthma is not enough: Continuation of smoking among parents with an asthmatic child. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 14(6), 349-353.

2006. Benoit, C., Carroll, D. & Eni, R. ‘To watch, to care’: Stories of Aboriginal midwifery in Canada. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 5(1), 11-17.

2006. Benoit, C. & Shaver, F. Critical issues and new directions in sex work research. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Special Issue, 43(3), 243-252.

2006. Hallgrimsdottir, H., Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. Fallen women and rescued girls: Social stigma and media narratives of the sex industry in Victoria, BC, from 1980 to 2005. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Special Issue, 43(3), 265-280.

2006. Protudjer, J., Marchessault, G., Benoit, C., Kozyrskyj, A. & Becker, A. Asthmatic and non-asthmatic children have similar levels of body dissatisfaction. Asthma, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology, 2(4), 143.

2006. Wrede, S., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Van Teijlingen, E., Sandall, J. & DeVries, R. Decentred comparative research: Context sensitive analysis of maternal health care. Social Science & Medicine, 63(11), 2986-2997.

2005. Benoit, C, Jansson, M., Millar, A. & and Phillips, R. Community-academic research on hard-to-reach populations: Benefits and challenges. Qualitative Health Research, 15(2), 263-282.

2005. Benoit, C., Wrede, S., Bourgeault, I., Sandall, J., Van Teijlingen, E. & DeVries, R. Understanding the social organisation of maternity care systems: Midwifery as a touchstone. Sociology of Health & Illness, 27(6), 722-737. (Reprinted in D. Allen & A. Pilnick [Eds.] [2006], The Social Organisation of Healthcare Work.) London: Blackwell Publishing.

2005. Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. Social determinants of health care access among sex industry workers in Canada. Sociology of Health Care, 23, 79-104.

Journal articles 1987 - 2004

2004. Blythe, N. & Benoit, C. Who crashes onto dialysis? Health determinants of patients who are late referred to chronic renal care in Canada. Sociology of Health Care, 22, 205-237.

2004. Westfall, R. & Benoit, C. The rhetoric of "natural" in natural childbirth: Childbearing women’s perspectives on prolonged pregnancy and induction of labor. Social Science & Medicine, 59(7), 1397-1408.

2003. Benoit, C. The Politics of health-care policy: The United States in comparative perspective. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 46(4), 592-99.

2003. Benoit, C., Carroll, D. & Chaudhry, M. In search of a healing place: Aboriginal women in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Social Science and Medicine, 56, 821-833.

2003. Van Teijlingen, E., Sandall, J., Wrede, S., Benoit, C., DeVries, R. & Bourgeault, I. Comparative studies in maternity care. RCM Midwives Journal, 8,338-340.

2002. Benoit, C., Carroll, D. & Millar, A. But is it good for non-urban women's health? Regionalizing maternity care services in British Columbia. Canadian Review of Anthropology and Sociology, 39(4), 373-395.

1998. Benoit, C. & Heitlinger, A. Women's health care work in comparative perspective: Canada, Sweden and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as case examples. Social Science and Medicine, 47(8), 1101-1111.

1996/1997. Benoit, C. Midwifery in Canada and Sweden: A cross-national comparison. Health and Canadian Society/Sante et Societe Canadienne, 4(2), 195-224.

1995. Benoit, C. Medical dominance and its challenges. Health and Canadian Society/ Sante et Societe Canadienne, 3(1-2), 195-210.

1995. Benoit, C. & Carroll, D. Aboriginal midwifery in British Columbia: A narrative untold. Western Geographic Series, 30, 221-46.

1994. Benoit, C. Paradigm conflict in the sociology of service professions: Midwifery as a case study. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19(3), 303-329.

1992. Benoit, C. Midwives in comparative perspective: Professionalism in small organizations. Current Research on Occupations and Professions, 7, 203-220.

1989. Benoit, C. The professional socialization of midwives: Balancing art and science. Sociology of Health and Illness, 11(2), 160-180.

1989. Benoit, C. Traditional midwifery practice: The limits of occupational autonomy. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 26(4), 633-649.

1987. Benoit, C. Uneasy partners: Midwives and their clients. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 12(3), 275-284.

Book chapters 1990 - 2017

2017. Benoit, C., Carroll, D & Westfall, R. (2015). Being there for pregnant women: Canadian midwives in Aboriginal and settler communities. In C.Torri & J.  Hornosty (Eds.). Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Traditional Medicine and Reproductive Health.  Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

2017. Benoit, C., Jansson, M. Phillips, R., Hallgrimsdottir, H. & Vallance, K. Social determinants of injection drug use among a community sample of sex workers: Intersections of structure and agency across the life course. In C. Varcoe, O. Hankivsky & M. Morrow (Eds.). Women's health in Canada: Critical theory, policy and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2016. Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Atchison, Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. Managing conflict: An examination of three-way alliances in Canadian escort and massage businesses. In Horning, A. Marcus, A. (Eds). (pp. 131-149). Third Party Sex Work and "Pimps" in the Age of Anti-Trafficking. Switzerland: Springer.

2016. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C., Wrede, S., & Neiterman, E. Professions and the migration of expert labour: Towards an intersectional analysis of transnational mobility patterns and integration pathways of health professionals. In Dent, M., Bourgeault, I., Denis J-L., Kuhlmann. (Eds). (pp. 295-312).The Routledge Companion to the Professions and Professionalism. London: Routledge. 

2015. Benoit, C., Declercq, E., De Vries, R., Sandall, J., van Teijlingen, E. & Wrede, S. Maternity care as global health policy issue. In E. Kuhlmann, R. Blank, I. Bourgeault, & C. Wendt (Eds.).  (pp. 85-100). The Palgrave International Handbook of Health Policy and Governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

2015. Sotskova, A., Benoit, C., Casey, L., Pauly, B., Konkoly Thege, B. Applying an existential-humanistic framework as a transdisciplinary bridge for addressing challenges in substance use and its intersections. In Greaves, L., Poole, N., Boyle, E. (Eds). (pp. 167-183). Transforming addiction: Gender, trauma & transdisciplinarity. Routledge International.

2014. Benoit, C., Stengel, C., Marcellus, L., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Anderson, J., MacKinnon, K., Phillips, R., & Dearman, S. Providers’ constructions of pregnant and early parenting women who use substances. From Health Behaviours to Health Practices: Critical Perspectives. Cohen, S. (Ed.). London: Wiley Blackwell. 

2013. Benoit, C., Stengel, C. & Phillips, R. Gaps in post-birth care in neo-liberal times: Evidence from Canada. In M. Nash (Ed.). Reframing reproduction. In V. Robinson & D. Richardson (Eds.). Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2012. Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. Exploring Courtesy Stigma Among Frontline Care Providers Serving Sex Workers. Bourgeault, I., Benoit, C. Bouchard, L. (Eds.) Health and Society/Santé et Societé. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

2011.  Benoit, C. & Hallgrimsdottir, H. Conceptualizing care work. In C. Benoit & H. Hallgrimsdottir (Eds.). Valuing care work: Comparative perspectives (pp. 3-22). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2011. Sandall, J., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Declercq, E., Van Tejlingen, E., De Vries, R. & 2011. Wrede, S. Gender and maternal healthcare. In E. Kuhlmann & E. Annandale (Eds.). Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare (pp. 355-370). Palgrave: Basingstoke, second edition.

2011. Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Casey, L., Phillips, R. & Burns, D. Developing KT with non-profit organizations serving vulnerable populations. In E. Banister, B. Leadbeater & A. Marshall (Eds.). Knowledge translation in community-based research and social policy contexts (pp. 15-34). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2011. Benoit, C., Wrede, S. & Einarsdòttir, T. The impact of neo-liberalism on maternity care work in different welfare states: Canada in cross-national perspective. In C. Benoit & H. Hallgrimsdottir, H. (Eds.) Valuing care work: Comparative perspectives (pp. 45-64). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2011. Hallgrimsdottir, H., Teghtsoonian, K., Brown, D. & Benoit, C. Public policy, caring practices and gender in health care work. In C. Benoit & H. Hallgrimsdottir (Eds.). Valuing care work: Comparative perspectives (pp. 269-292). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2010.  Sandall, J., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Declercq, E., Van Tejlingen, E., De Vries, R. & Wrede, S. Gender and maternal healthcare. In E. Kuhlmann & E. Annandale (Eds.). Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare (pp. 355-370). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

2008.  Benoit, C. Researching gang-organized juvenile prostitution: Contributions and challenges. In M. Douris & P. Corriveau (Eds.). Teenage girls under influence/jeunesfFilles sous (pp. xiii-xxi). Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2007.  Benoit, C., Carroll, D. & Westfall, R. Women’s access to maternity services in Canada: Historical developments and contemporary challenges. In C. Varcoe, O. Hankivsky & M. Morrow (Eds.). Women's health in Canada: Critical theory, policy and practice (pp. 507-27). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2007. Benoit, C., Jansson, M. & Anderson, M. Understanding health disparities among female street youth. In B. Leadbeater & N. Way (Eds.). Urban girls revisited: Building strengths (pp. 321-337). New York: New York University Press.

2006.  Jansson, M. & Benoit, C. Respect or protect? Conducting community-academic resea.rch with street-involved youth. In B. Leadbeater et al. (Eds.). Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth (pp. 175-189). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2006. Leadbeater, B., Reicken, T., Benoit, C., Banister, E., Brunk, C. & Cranley Glass, K. Community-based research with vulnerable populations: Challenges for ethics and research guidelines. In B. Leadbeater et al. (Eds.). Ethical issues in community-based research with children and youth (pp. 3-21). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2005.  Benoit, C. & Carroll, D. Canadian midwifery: Blending traditional and modern practices. In C. Bates, D. Dodd & N. Rousseau (Eds.). On all frontiers: four centuries of Canadian nursing (pp. 27-41). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press and Canadian Museum of Civilization.

2004.  Benoit, C. & Davis-Floyd, R. Becoming a midwife in Canada: Models of midwifery education. In I. Bourgeault, C. Benoit & R. Davis-Floyd (Eds.). Reconceiving Midwifery (pp. 169-186). Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2004. Bourgeault, I. & Benoit, and C. Introduction: Reconceiving midwifery in Canada. In I. Bourgeault, C. Benoit & R. Davis-Floyd (Eds.). Reconceiving midwifery (pp 3-13). Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2004.  Carroll, D. & Benoit, C. Aboriginal midwifery in Canada: Merging traditional practices and modern science. In I. Bourgeault, C. Benoit & R. Davis-Floyd (Eds.). Reconceiving Midwifery (pp. 263 286). Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

2004. DeVries, R. Wrede, S., Benoit, C. & Van Teijlingen, E. Making maternity care: The consequences of culture for health care systems. In H. Vinken, J. Soeters & P. Ester (Eds.). Comparing cultures (pp. 209-23). Tilburg, Netherlands: IRIC / Tilburg University.

2001. Benoit, C. Introduction to Part III. In R. DeVries, C. Benoit, E. Van Teijlingen & S. Wrede (Eds.). Birth by design: Pregnancy, maternity care, and midwifery in North America and Europe (pp. 201-2). London: Routledge.

2001. Benoit, C., Davis-Floyd, R., Van Teijlingen, E., Sandall, J. & Miller, J. Designing midwives: A comparison of educational models. In R. DeVries, C. Benoit, E. Van Teijlingen & S. Wrede (Eds.), Birth by design: Pregnancy, maternity care, and midwifery in North America and Europe (pp. 139-165). London: Routledge.

2001.  DeVries, R., Benoit, C., Van Teijlingen, E. & Wrede, S. Introduction: Why maternity care is not medical care. In R. DeVries, C. Benoit, E. Van Teijlingen & S. Wrede (Eds.). Birth by design: Pregnancy, maternity care, and midwifery in North America and Europe (pp. xi-xviii). London: Routledge.

2001. Wrede, S., Benoit, C., & Sandall, J. The state and birth/the state of birth: Maternal health policy in three countries. In R. DeVries, C. Benoit, E. Van Teijlingen & S. Wrede (Eds.). Birth by design: Pregnancy, maternity care, and midwifery in North America and Europe (pp. 28-50). London: Routledge.

2000. Benoit, C. An exception to the Canadian case: Autonomous midwifery at the margins. In G. Lowis, E. Van Teijiligen, P. McCaffery & M. Porter (Eds.), Midwifery and the medicalization of childbirth: Comparative perspectives (pp. 195-203). Hauppauge, New York: NOVA Science Publishers.

2000. Benoit, C. Variation within post-Fordist and liberal welfare state countries: Women's work and social rights in Canada and the United States. In T. Boje & A. Leira (Eds.). Gender, welfare state and the market (pp. 71-88). London: Routledge.

1998. Benoit, C. Midwives in Canada and Sweden: Identities and practices in comparative perspective In V. Olgiati, L. Orzack & M. Saks (Eds.). Professions, identity, and order in comparative perspective (pp. 151-78). Onati, Spain: Onati International Institute.

1998. Benoit, C. Rediscovering appropriate care: Maternity traditions and contemporary issues in Canada. In D. Coburn, C. D'Arcy & G. Torrance (Eds.), Health and Canadian Society (3rd ed.) (pp. 259-78). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

1997. Benoit, C. Professionalizing Canadian midwifery: Sociological perspectives. In F. Shroff (Ed.). The new midwifery: Reflections on renaissance and regulation (pp. 93-114). Toronto: The Women's Press.

1996. Benoit, C. Mothering in a Newfoundland community: 1990-1940, In W. Mitchinson et al. (Eds.). Canadian women: A reader (pp. 268-79). Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company. (Reprinted from Delivering motherhood: Maternal ideologies and practices in the 19th and 20th centuries, pp. 173-189, by K. Arnup, A. Levesque, & R. Pierson, Eds., 1990. London and New York: Routledge.)

1995.  Benoit, C. Urbanizing women military fashion. In C. McGrath, B. Neis and M. Porter (Eds.). Their lives and times: Considering women in Newfoundland and Labrador (pp. 113-27). St. John's, Newfoundland: Killick Press. 1994. Benoit, C. Midwives and healers: The Newfoundland experience. In E. Dua, M. FitzGerald, L. Gardner, D. Taylor & L. Wyndels (Eds.). On women healthsharing (pp. 123-32). Toronto: Women's Press.

1990.  Benoit, C. Mothering in a Newfoundland community: 1900-1940. In K. Arnup, A. Levesque, & R. Roach Person (Eds.). Delivering motherhood: Maternal ideologies and practices in the 19th and 20th centuries (pp. 173-89). London: Routledge.