2018 (with Colombi, Benedict, Brian Thom and Tatiana Degai) Googling Indigenous Kamchatka: Mapping New Collaborations. Pp. 195-203 in Indigenous Justice: New Tools, Approaches, and Spaces. Edited by Hendry, J., Tatum, M.L., Jorgensen, M., and Howard-Wagner, D. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. ISBN 978-1-137-60644-0. (25% contribution; conducted fieldwork, wrote sections of paper; co-edited drafts).
2014 - Confusion sur les territoires autochtones au Canada. In Terres, territoires, ressources: Politiques, pratiques et droits des peuples autochtones, Edited by Irène Bellier, 01/2015: pages 89-106; L'Harmattan.
(2021) Indigenizing municipal land use planning in Cordova Bay. Invited presentation for Google’s Geo for Good Lightning Round Talk series: Community Mapping. 12 May 2021. [SLIDES][YOUTUBE]
(2020) Deck.gl & Maps API for Indigenous Territories without Polygons withThom, Brian and Rachel Stewart-Dziama. Reviewed Poster Presented at Google’s 9th Geo for Good User Summit 2020-21 (virtual global summit, re-broadcast over Europe/NA and Asia time-zones) Oct 2020.
(2020) Problematic Polygons: Ethnographically-Informed Cartographic Alternatives for Representing Indigenous Territorial Relations with Thom, Brian and Rachel Stewart-Dziama. Reviewed paper presented at the joint meetings of the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Royal Geographical Society, London (virtual conference) 15 Sep 2020 [SLIDES][YOUTUBE]
(2019) Indigenous Mapping with Google Earth. Invited partner panel talk in session Mapping with Indigenous People and Local Communities. Geo for Good User Summit 2019, Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA, 18 Sep 2019
(2019) Bringing Indigenous cartographies to shape municipal land use plans with Thom, Brian. Presented at Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives 2019 Regional Meetings, McGill University, 03 May 2019 [SLIDES][YOUTUBE]
(2018) Appreciating Difference: Indigenous Mapping with Google Earth and Mymaps with Thom, Brian and Raleigh Seamster. Invited Feature Partner Presentation. International Geographical Union - Canadian Association of Geographers - National Council of Geographic Educators Joint Annual Meetings, Québec City, 07 Aug 2018
(2018) CICADA Axis 8: Community Mapping with Caquard, Sébastien, Nicole Fenton and Brian Thom Invited presentation at the Leaders Meetings of the Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives. Montréal, QC, 18 Jun 2018.
(2018) Contrapuntal Cartography: Inscribing Indigenous Worlds through Ethnographic Mapping. Paper presented at the annual meetings of Canadian Anthropology Society, Santiago de Cuba, May 19, 2018.
(2017) Mapping Land and Resource Development Pressures on Indigenous Peoples’ Territories in Canada. Invited partner panel talk at Geo for Good User Summit 2017, Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA, 03 Oct 2017. [SLIDES][YOUTUBE]
(2017) Privacy and Security in Sharing Indigenous Maps: Experiences of UVic’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab. Invited presentation, Google Earthlodge: Historic Landscape Discovery and Preservation Workshop. Blackfeet Tribal Historic Protection Office. Montana State Historical Preservation Office, Helena, Montana. 19 Sep 2017.
(2017) Indigenous Mapping at UVic’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab. Invited presentation at South Dakota BIT Tribal Response Workshop, Tribal Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Reservation, South Dakota. 16 May 2017
(2017) UVic’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab Invited presentation. UVic Community Mapping and Innovation Showcase, hosted by the Deans of Social Sciences, Humanities and the University Librarian. UVic Cadboro Commons, 23 Jan 2017.
(2016) Displaying simplified Google Earth Engine data in MyMaps. Presentation at Geo for Good User Summit 2016, Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA, October 7, 2016. [SLIDES]
(2016) with Sébastien Caquard "Axis 6, Indigenous Mapping" Invited presentation at the Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives, Wendake, QC, 28 Aug - 01 Sep 2016. [YouTube][Slides]
(2015) Googling Indigenous Kamchatka. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Anthropological Society, 15 May 2015, Université Laval, Laval, Québec. [SLIDES]
(2015) Sébastien Caquard, Nicole Fenton and Thom, Brian “Axis 6: Community Mapping and Landscape Modelling” Invited presentation at the Spring 2015 Leaders and Directors Meeting of the Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives. Montreal, QC, 19-20 Feb 2015. [SLIDES]
(2015) "Round Table Panellist: The Landscape of Anthropology Beyond the University: Maps, Dreams, and Standards / Paysage de l’anthropologie au-delà de l’université : cartes, rêves et normes " Invited presenter for round table organized by Craig Candler and Rachel Olson, at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Anthropological Society, Université Laval, Laval, Québec, 15 May 2015.
(2015) “Indigenous Mapping with Google Earth, GPS, and Google MyMaps”. Invited presentation with hands-on training for Indigenous Mapping Workshop Canada 2015, hosted by Chief of Ontario, Google Earth Outreach and the Firelight Group, Waterloo, ON, 28-30 July 2015.
(2014) Amy Becker and Brian Thom, “Stz’uminus Storied Places”. Invited presentation at Indigenous Mapping Workshop, University of Victoria, 26 Aug 2014.
"Ethnographic Mapping and Indigenous Cartographies" Invited Presentation at Google's 2013 Geo for Good Summit, Unconference Session on Cultural and Indigenous Mapping, Google Campus, Mountain View, CA, 14 Nov 2013.
Stewart-Dziama, Rachel and Brian Thom 2021 'Ethnographically-Informed Cartographic Alternatives for Representing Indigenous Territorial Relations'. CICADA News, Issue 5 (spring 2021): 4-5. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Abramczyk, UA 2016, ‘Hul’qumi’num People in the Gulf Islands: Re-storying the Coast Salish Landscape,’ paper presented to Society for Applied Anthropology 2016 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 29 March-April 2.
Abramczyk, UA 2015, ‘Hul’qumi’num People in the Gulf Islands: Re-storying the Coast Salish Landscape,’ paper presented to Canadian Anthropological Society 31st Annual Conference, Université de Laval, Quebec City, 13-16 May.
Becker, A, 2016, 'Community-Based Mapping and Story-telling: Methods and Tools,' powerpoint presentation at Sonoptica Media Festival, Victoria, BC, April 5-6, 2015.
Becker, A, 2015, 'Stz'uminus Storied Places: A youth-involved digital mapping project to mobilize Hul'qumi'num place-names and place-based stories,' paper presented at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 4-6, 2015
Fritz, J and J Kuntz 2015, 'Using Google Earth, Aerial Photos, and Archival Documents to Detect Encroachment,' paper presented to CMC Community Mapping Institute, Victoria, BC, April 13-14, 2015
Kuntz, J. 2016, ‘Indigenous Women and Environmental Assessments,' paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, BC, March 29 - April 2, 2016.