First Aid response
To report an emergency, dial 911 first and then contact Campus Security at 250-721-7599
Contacting us
If you are in need of first aid assistance, never hesitate to call our 24/7 contact line at 250-721-7599 (local 7599). If your call is an emergency, call 911 first to activate police, fire or ambulance, then call Campus Security.
Officers at Campus Security are certified in Occupational First Aid Level 2 and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) courses. We regularly respond to a variety of calls, from cuts and scrapes to more serious events requiring emergency services to attend by calling 911.
We are well equipped for first aid emergencies. The Campus Security response vehicles carry fully stocked first aid bags and an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Security Officers at Campus Security have received training in how to administer Naloxone. Naloxone is a medication used to block the effects of opiods, especially during overdose situations. Each officer carries Naloxone in their personal kit while working on campus.
Transfer of care
During first aid calls, Campus Security Officers hand over medical care to BC Emergency Health Services ambulance (BCEHS) or fire department crews when they arrive on scene. Campus Security acts as a resource to the fire departments and ambulance service.
Campus Security and BCEHS (ambulance) utilize five designated meeting locations on campus. These five meeting locations offer greater efficiency when guiding ambulances to the emergency call on campus, allowing for a faster response to crews who may not have a detailed knowledge of the campus.