Maps & buildings
There’s a lot to explore on campus. Here you’ll find campus maps and building information to help get you where you need to go.
Campus maps
View an interactive, mobile-friendly and printable UVic campus map.
Other maps
- Download a PDF version of the campus map
- Download a PDF UVic jogging route map
Campus virtual tour
If you can’t visit us in person, take our virtual tour to see the natural beauty of the UVic campus from wherever you are in the world.
Construction on campus
Visit Campus Planning for construction details and project updates.
Building directory
- Alice Ravenhill Hall (RRA)
- Arthur Currie (RAC)
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC)
- Bev Glover Greenhouse Facility (GGF)
- Bob Wright Centre (BWC)
- Business & Economics Building (BEC)
- Campus Bike Centre
- Campus Security Building (SEC)
- Campus Services (CSR)
- Carroll (RCA)
- Centennial Stadium (STA)
- Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA)
- Child Care Complex (CCC)
- Clearihue (CLE)
- Cluster (R51-R61)
- Continuing Studies (CST)
- Cornett (COR)
- Craigdarroch Office (CRA)
- Cunningham (CUN)
- David Strong (DSB)
- David Thompson (RDT)
- David Turpin (DTB)
- District Energy Plant
- Elliott (ELL)
- Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)
- Engineering Lab Wing (ELW)
- Engineering Office Wing (EOW)
- Enterprise Data Centre (EDC)
- Fine Arts (FIA)
- Finnerty Gardens
- First Peoples House (FPH)
- Fraser (FRA)
- Halpern Centre for Graduate Students (GSC)
- Health and Wellness (HWB)
- Helmcken (RHE)
- Hickman (HHB)
- Hodges (RHO)
- Hugh Stephen (RHS)
- Human & Social Development (HSD)
- Hut A
- Hut B
- Hut E
- Hut Q
- Hut R
- Hut V
- Hut Y
- Ian Stewart Complex (ISC)
- Jamie Cassels Centre (JCC)
- Joseph Cunliffe (RJC)
- Lam Family Student Housing Complex (R01-39)
- Lou-Poy Child Care Centre (HLP)
- MacLaurin (MAC)
- Marine Technology Centre (MTC)
- McKinnon (MCK)
- McPherson Library (LIB)
- Mearns Centre for Learning (MCL)
- Medical Sciences (MSB)
- Michael Williams (MWB)
- Modular Dining Facility (MOD)
- Multifaith Centre
- Ocean-Climate at the Queenswood Campus
- Outdoor Aquatic Unit (OAU)
- Park (R42)
- Petch (PCH)
- Phoenix Theatre (PNX)
- Poole House (RPH)
- R. Haig Brown (RHB)
- Richard Wilson (RRW)
- Ring Road (R40)
- Robert Wallace Hall (RWA)
- Sanderson (RSA)
- Saunders (SAU)
- Saunders Annex (SAA)
- Sedgewick (SED)
- Shirley Baker (RSB)
- Siʔčəŋəɫ ʔeʔləŋ | Si ̓chungulh House (RSC)
- South Tower (R43)
- Student Union (SUB)
- Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ | Sngequ House (RSN)
- Tower (R41)
- University Club (UCL)
- University House 1 (UH1)
- University House 2 (UH2)
- University House 3 (UH3)
- University House 4 (UH4)
- University House 5 (UH5)
- Visual Arts (VIA)
- Čeqʷəŋín ʔéʔləŋ | Cheko’nien House (RCH)
Campus emergencies
The Campus Security building has its own emergency power generator. It’s the university’s emergency operations centre in the event of a major emergency or natural disaster.
Get the UVic SafetyApp to receive emergency notifications from UVic on your mobile phone.
View the UVic campus evacuation map in case of an earthquake or download a printable PDF evacuation map.