Participate in our studies

What it means to participate in our studies

Thank you for your interest in our studies! Your participation in our research is essential to shape and improve our knowledge about the health of Canadians. The results of these studies get published in leading academic journals, presented at international conferences, and are featured in the media (newspaper, websites, and television). Many of our studies help shape health policy in government and within local recreation sectors. We could not achieve these aims without the generosity of participants - like you. Your volunteering is very much appreciated!

Current projects in the BMED lab:

Please contact for more information and/or if you are interested in participating in any of the studies.  

All in the Family Study Poster

Canada-wide 6 month study where eligible families can fully participate from the convenience of their own home. This study is all about collaborating with families to examine different strategies to promote family-based physical activity for children aged 6-12. The study materials focus on virtual coaching sessions to help parents find strategies that support and encourage increasing physical activity levels for their child and family. Participants will receive a cash incentive after each assessment. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research council. 

Who we are recruiting: Parent(s) with at least one child between 6 and 12 years old who is getting less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day AND at least one parent who will participate with their child. 

A Feasibility Study Evaluating the Effects of Self Compassion Mediations on Body Image in Retired Athletes Study Poster

A study exploring the effects of meditation on body image for retired athletes in British Columbia, Canada. This study uses online meditation podcasts to see how it can affect retired athletes who self-identify with negative body image.

Who we are recruiting: Individuals aged 18-30, who have competed in their sport at the national level, have been retired from their sport for 7 months-6 years, and who self-identify with negative body image.

We are an Active Family Study Poster

A study exploring the importance of family based physical activity for children aged 6-12. The study materials focus on coaching sessions that help parents find strategies that support and promote the physical activity of their child and family. Participants will receive a cash incentive after each assessment. Funded by the Diabetes Canada.

Who we are recruiting: Parent(s) with at least one child between 6 and 12 years old who is getting less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day AND at least one parent who will participate with their child. If you are interested please contact for more information!

Physical activity habit formation among parents and preschoolers  Study Poster

A study that focusses on parents being active with preschoolers (children aged 3 to 5). Participants will receive a cash incentive after each assessment. Funded by the Canadian Cancer Society.

Who we are recruiting: At least one child between 3 and 5 years old who is getting less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day AND at least one parent who will participate with their child. If you are interested please contact for more information!

Habit formation for families to increase physical activity  Study Poster

A study exploring different strategies to help increase physical activity for children ages 6 to 12 years. The study materials focus on helping parents find strategies which support their children's activity. Participants will receive a cash incentive after each assessment. Funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

Who we are recruiting: At least one child between 6 and 12 years old who is getting less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day AND at least one parent who will participate with their child. If you are interested please contact for more information!

Evaluation of an online physical activity intervention for youth with low mood and/or depression  Study Poster

A study evaluating the feasibility of a 10-week, online physical activity intervention. Physical and mental health outcomes, as well as psycho-social factors assoiated with successful behaviour change will be measured in order to contribute to ongoing research. This study poses sa a unique opportunity to be a part of applied research, while working towards better health! Contributions will directly impact supports and services offered to individuals with depression in British Columbia.

Who we are recruiting: Individuals aged 19-30 who live in B.C. Canada, and identify with a low mood/or mild to moderate depression. Additionally, individuals should not be meeting Canada's Adult Physical Activity Guidelines and have regular/free access to a device with internet.

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