Presenting at SBM 2019

Dr. Rhodes has two presentations at the upcoming Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting! We are looking forward to attending with our colleagues in the Digital Health Lab. Presentations are as follows:

Marques, I.G., Perdew, M.A., Liu, S., Strange, K., Hartrick, T., Weismiller, J., Rhodes, R.E., Ball, G., Mâsse, L., Naylor, P.J. (To be presented). Formative assessment of a family-based, healthy living intervention for children with overweight and obesity and their families. Poster to be presented at the 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, on March 6-9 Washington, DC.

Fransen, D., Husband, C., Mueller, U., Rhodes, R.E., & Liu, S. (To be presented). The effects of cellphone addiction on well-being related outcomes in middle school students. Poster to be presented at the 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, on March 6-9 Washington, DC.