visit by Petronila P. Garcia, Philippine Ambassador to Canada

September 13, 2018
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Community event
Sedgewick Building, C-wing, room C168


CAPI is honoured to welcome Ambassador Petronila P. Garcia, who will speak on 70 years of Filipino-Canadian diplomatic relations, with a Q&A to follow.

She will be accompanied by Consul General in Vancouver, Ms. MeiAnn Austria, and Mr. Salik, First Secretary and Consul.


About Ambassador Garcia

Ms. Petronila P. Garcia is a Career Diplomat who served as Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt with concurrent jurisdiction over The Sudan (2004-2007) and Ambassador to Israel (2007-2011). She was the Assistant Secretary for Middle East and African Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs from August 2011 to July 2014. She assumed her post as Ambassador to Canada on 25 August 2014.

Ms. Garcia holds a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science (1977) from Maryknoll College and a Bachelor of Laws Degree. She is a member of Mensa.

She joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1981, after passing the Foreign Service Officer's Examination. She passed the Career Minister's Examination in 1984.

She also served in the Philippine Embassy in Singapore (1984-1987) as Third Secretary and Consul; the Philippine Consulate General in Sydney, Australia (1987- 1992) as Consul; the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv (1993-1995) as Counsellor; the Philippine Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa (1995-1997) as Counsellor and Charge d' Affaires a.i.; the Philippine Embassy in South Korea (1997-1999) as Minister and Charge d' Affaires, a.i.

Jonathan Woods