Demonstration of the “tea ceremony” (cha no yu) by the Urasenke Tankōkai Victoria Association

March 07, 2018
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
Community event
Bob Wright Centre, Room B150 (Flury Hall)

picture of Japanese tea

Getting together for a bowl of matcha (powdered green tea) and cakes has been an important social event for Japanese since medieval times. The culture of Tea has influenced not only Japanese food, but also architecture, ceramics, flower arrangement, and many other traditional arts of Japan. Come join members of the Urasenke tea community here in Victoria for a rare opportunity to witness—and taste—one of the crowning achievements of Japanese aesthetics.

Note: This event is free and open to the public, but those who wish to join in for tea and sweets are requested to make a $5 donation. Please contact Cody Poulton ( to indicate your interest in participating in the demonstration.

UVic parking map

Cody Poulton