John Hutchings

John Hutchings
Adjunct Professor
UVic Physics and Astronomy; NRC Herzberg
Office: Room 305, DAO
Area of expertise

Massive stars, X-ray binaries, AGN, space instrumentation


After 49 years on the science staff of DAO/HAA/NRC-Herzberg I am now Researcher Emeritus, with the same work and contact coordinates.

My principal activites are in ongoing and future facilities for Canada, as follows: 

  1. Canadian lead of the ISRO UVIT instrument on the Astrosat observatory, now in its 4th year of operation.

  2. Project teams for CASTOR, INSIST and continuing in the JWST team, since stepping down from being Canadian project scientist. 
  1. Chairing the LRP implmentation committee, to advise on evolving opportunities and priorities for the decade, both on ground and in space.

I continue research activity on massive stars, X-ray binaries, AGN, local and distant galaxies.