Safer substance use

Dear students, 

As many of you are aware, there is a concerning trend of unsafe drugs in BC. At a press conference on Jan. 24, BC’s Chief Coroner stated that nearly seven people a day died from toxic drugs in 2023 in BC. At UVic, The Student Wellness Centre, Office of Student Life, Residence Services and Campus Security want to share information with you to help prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose or over-intoxication.

We understand that some of you use drugs and want to ensure that you are aware of the increased risks at this time. If you use drugs, we encourage you to not use alone. We also encourage you to seek training on the use of Naloxone, which is an effective treatment for opioid drug overdose, and to have Naloxone readily available and highly visible when using drugs. You can receive training on the use of Naloxone through UVSS and Toward the Heart

If you or someone around you begins showing any signs of overdose or over-intoxication on campus, please call Campus Security right away. If you’re off-campus, call 911. 

Here on campus, our security officers are highly trained medical responders and will provide a supportive and judgement-free response. Campus Security officers carry Naloxone and are available 24/7 at 250-721-7599. Please program this number into your phones.

If you have substances you intend to use, we advise connecting with a confidential drug testing organization. There are also multiple safe injection resources and overdose support groups you can connect with confidentially. In addition, Student Wellness distributes safer substance use and safer sex supplies.

If you have information about drug supply at UVic you would like to anonymously report, we encourage you to report it to the Office of Student Life. You can also report your concerns to Campus Security 24/7. 

We care about your safety and well-being. Please contact Campus Security or 911 at any time if you or anyone around you may be, or actively is, in distress. 

Stay safe and, if you use substances, please do so with great care for yourself and one another. More resources and supports are available below.

Yours sincerely,

  • Student Wellness
  • Office of Student Life
  • Residence Services
  • Campus Security

Resources & supports


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Keywords: administrative, faculty, staff, students, student life, community

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