National AccessAbility Week 2023

Statement from President Hall

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is May 18 and May 28 – June 3 is National AccessAbility Week. This is an opportunity to learn about, and commit to addressing, the barriers that limit access and inclusion to the UVic community, campus, systems and opportunities. Let’s work together to ensure that UVic is more accessible and inclusive.  

In a 2022 survey 40% of UVic first-year students identified as having a disability or impairment and 14% shared that they are impacted daily. With increasing knowledge about disabilities and barriers in our community, it is clear that we must deepen our work to improve accessibility at UVic. 

UVic's Accessibility Plan
UVic’s Accessibility Committee, composed by a majority of people with disabilities with other intersecting and diverse identities, has been developing an institution-wide accessibility plan that responds to the Accessible British Columbia Act. The draft plan will be shared on June 2, during National AccessAbility Week—I encourage each of us to provide feedback on this important step toward a more accessible UVic.  

Sharing resources
This is also a time to highlight the valuable contributions of disability advocates in our community and the people and groups at UVic who have developed workshops and resources to improve accessibility on campus. Check out the links below that some of our advocates have developed to learn more about resources and supports available at UVic.

Kevin Hall, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor

UVic's Accessibility Plan

Help make UVic more accessible for people with disabilities by providing your input on our draft Accessibility Plan.

Learn more and provide feedback.

UVic's accessibility resources

Campus accessibility information 

Learn more about how UVic is working to make campus more accessible, and find services and supports to help you navigate physical mobility barriers, academic accessibility and web accessibility, including:


Collaborates with UVic researchers, students and external partners to provide people experiencing physical or cognitive barriers and mental health challenges with innovative technologies, programs and services that address unmet needs and increase independence, inclusion and well-being.

Co-op and Career Services

Connects co-op students with UVic's accessibility and inclusion co-op coordinator who can help them advocate for inclusive and equitable support during their work terms and beyond. They also offer:

Human Resources

  • Ergonomics: The ergonomics program at UVic actively promotes practices to ensure the health and safety of all employees and provides online training and resources.
  • Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP): EFAP is a confidential program that includes professional counselling, information and referral services.
  • Medical accommodations: The program provides a planned approach to returning or remaining at work following an injury or illness, whether occupational or non-occupational.

UVic Libraries

Find information about assistive technology rooms, priority workspaces, respite rooms, accessing materials in alternate formats and more.

UVic web standards

Learn how to make websites that centre the needs of the user.

Vikes Athletics and Recreation

Find information about programs, sport wheelchairs, adaptive climbing and more.

Partner groups and supports

  • Digital Accessibility Champions Team: A grassroots Teams channel for staff who are interested in discussing and improving digital accessibility on campus.
  • Society for Students with a Disability: A student group offering funding support, campaigning and advocacy, a food security program and events for disabled students.
  • STEPS Forward: Partners with UVic to move toward being fully inclusive for young adults with developmental disabilities to attend post-secondary education.

Learning opportunities

Foundations to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

May 17
9-11 a.m.

This workshop provides participants with practical knowledge and understanding of key concepts and ideas associated with creating a more equitable, diverse and inclusive world. More information

Mental Health Training for All Employees

May 30
1-3 p.m.

This presentation aims to raise awareness of the connection between mental health and well-being and workplace practices, and link staff and faculty to services and resources to build positive mental health. More information

Mental Health Training for Managers and Supervisors

June 15
1-3 p.m.

This course will provide managers and supervisors with tools and information to manage mental health issues in the workplace. In this course you will learn about psychological health and safety standards, early recognition and intervention, how to support an employee, and stigma in the workplace. More information

Assistive or Adaptive Technologies Workshop

Email the Centre for Accessible Learning's if would like to organize a workshop to learn about assistive and adaptive technologies. Learn about what UVic offers to students and some of the considerations behind using the different technologies.


In this story

Keywords: Change and transformation, administrative, student life, diversity, accessibility

People: Kevin Hall

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