Legacy contributes collection images to four new publications

Legacy has contributed images to four new publications, including works by Ellen Neel, Katharine Maltwood, Emily Carr and Stan Clarke.

Unsettling Native Art Histories on the Northwest Coast

Unsettling Native Art Histories on the Northwest Coast, edited by Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse and Aldona Jonaitis, features a contribution by Kwakwaka’wakw/Kwakiutl artist Lou-ann Ika’wega Neel. Neel finds her inspiration from tracing her ancestral roots and kinship ties to the works of her Kwakwaka’wakw grandmother Ellen Neel from Alert Bay and grandfather Yakuglas, Charlie James. Ellen Neel was widely regarded as one of the only women carvers of her era. She combined traditional practices with modern materials and new forms of creative expression. In addition to carving monumental totem poles, Neel produced items for the tourist market including masks, jewelry, model poles and other items such as teapots (p. 138), serving dishes (Totemware Collection) (p. 139) and silk scarves (p. 141) which are currently held in Legacy’s collection. 

Working Against the Grain: Women Sculptors in Britain c.1885 – 1950

Working Against the Grain: Women Sculptors in Britain c. 1885-1950, written by Pauline Rose, breaks new ground in focusing on some of the many successful professional British women sculptors active during this period. Largely unknown, the few women who have been mentioned in histories of twentieth century British sculpture have been those who adhered to the (masculine) Modernist canon. The social and cultural contexts in which these women sculptors were working are investigated, revealing how mostly male commentators often fixated on their gender at the expense of seriously engaging with their work. This book explores contemporary sculptural developments, art school training, exhibiting opportunities, and the writings of influential critics. It also reveals how important photography, film and the written word were in the creation of reputations. The book includes Katharine Maltwood (1878-1961) as a key early 20th century sculptor. The Maltwood Bequest of their vast art collection would become a cornerstone of UVic’s art collection. The book covers diverse sculptural genres such as decorative sculpture and utilitarian objects for the home and garden; portraits and statues; architectural sculpture, war memorials and ecclesiastical work.

"An excellent study using a wide range of sources. Rose's analysis of people and works of art nicely balances art history, social history and political history." - Dr Holly Trusted FSA, Senior Curator of Sculpture, Victoria and Albert Museum.

Modern in the Making: Post-War Craft and Design in British Columbia

Modern in the Making: Post-War Craft and Design in British Columbia, from the Vancouver Art Gallery, is the first recognized publication to document the evolution of modern ceramics, weaving, furniture design, fashion and jewellery produced between 1945 and 1975 in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and beyond. Stan Clarke’s striking turquoise vase, currently held in the Legacy’s collection, is featured in the publication. Largely self-taught, Stan Clarke started making pottery around 1948 with his partner (and later wife), Jean McIntyre. They started using the name Reagh Studio in 1950. Between 1952 and 1956 they ran Reagh Studios in Vancouver. Reagh Studios produced slip-cast, hand moulded and thrown work, often with figurative decoration by Jean.

Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment

Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment, forthcoming this summer from the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, features Emily Carr’s A Chill Day in June. The exhibition is set to bring together over 200 works of art by both settler and Indigenous artists in Canada and was conceived of as a counterpoint to Group of Seven’s 100th anniversary celebrations last year. The book provides a cross-country survey of the art made by women during this pivotal time and affirms creative perspectives that were often ignored during the interwar period.