Keith Cherry

Keith Cherry
Graduate Student Researcher
Centre for Global Studies, Cedar Trees Initiative

BA and MA (Ottawa)

Area of expertise

comparative transnational law, legal pluralism, Indigenous/settler relations, European Union, democratic theory, agonism, anarchism.

Keith Cherry is a SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Scholar, CIGI Doctoral Scholar, Sessional Instructor and community activist living on unceded Coast Salish territories. Keith received his BA in Political Science from the University of Ottawa in 2010 and his MA in Political Studies from the University of Ottawa in 2012, studying under Dr. Dimitri Karmis.

Keith is currently a PHD candidate in Law and Society at UVic working with Professors Jeremy Webber, John Borrows, Oliver Schmidtke and James Tully. His current research explores legal pluralism in two contrasting settings, settler/Indigenous relationships in Canada and member-state/Union relations in the European Union.


During his time at the Center for Global Studies, Keith will be analyzing the role of the state and market in contemporary pluralism. Drawing on his studies of EU/State relations and Settler/Indigenous relations, Keith intends to argue that the most advanced models of pluralism actually exist at the non-state level - in grassroots communities, indigenous democracies, and emergent global networks which model a horizontal, participatory praxis based on mutual need and mutual aid.