Student funding and grants

Alina Sobolik & Malcolm Thomson at the 17th Claremont-UC Undergraduate Confrence on the EU.


Thanks to extra-to-load (often night-time!) efforts, the faculty members associated with the European Studies Program have in the past been able to secure quite generous grants to graduate and undergraduate students.

For example, up to August 2024, students benefited from several successful applications that gave UVic the special status of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE).

These complex grants supported many activities including student grants for conducting field work and attending conferences and other activities pertaining to EU integration topics, or participating in experiential learning programs such as the EU Study Tour and Internship Program (EUS 390A).

We try to flag available funding when advertising our activities. For example, in 2024 students who applied to the EU Study Tour knew that successful applications would automatically put them on track to win $1400 grants towards their participation in the EU Study Tour.

Students and researchers can also apply for funding themselves. Navigating the opportunities can seem daunting, however initiative almost always pays off, especially when undertaking action well before your research trip/activity. The two subtabs are meant to give you some pointers, to EU Funding and to UVic Funding to promote student mobility. Mind you, the funding landscape tends to change quickly and the information in the subtabs will be dated. But it will still give you an impression of the opportunities and some useful links as you start your search.

Please keep up posted on helpful updates and additions that you will discover. Thank you and good luck!

Past grant recipients


Student funding

The following students received 300 euros in JM EUCE funding in connection to their participation in the West Coast Model EU in Seattle (organized by the University of Washington):

  • Coco Cunningham
  • Jenna Inch
  • Sam Shipley
  • Skyla Thomas

The following students received 300 euros in JM EUCE funding in connection to their participation in the 2nd annual Canadian Model EU in Toronto (organized by York University):

  • Alyssa Federico
  • Bella Sol Roy-Gelinas
  • Finlay Pike
  • Paige Diggle

The following 13 students received grants of $1450 each through European Studies (JM EUCE and VPAC grants) through their participation in the EU Study Tour in May 2024:

  • Alyssa Federico
  • Kael Hadley
  • Hannah Gardner
  • Jacob Burdge
  • McKenzie Newton
  • Noam Richmond
  • Noosheen Moradmand
  • Olivia Robins
  • Omar Said
  • Samuel Shipley
  • Shuntaro Suzuki
  • Simran-Shahriar Sharif
  • Skyla Thomas


Student funding

The following students received 300 euros in JM EUCE funding in connection to their participation in the West Coast Model EU in Seattle (organized by the University of Washington):

  • Vanessa Aase
  • Tara Matthews
  • Aidan Scarcella

The following 13 students received grants of 1000 euros each through European Studies (JM EUCE and VPAC grants) through their participation in the EU Study Tour in May 2023:

  • Kai Chisholm
  • Lucas Sparks
  • Olivier Shafonsky
  • Leo Prosalendis
  • Taylor Flegel
  • Jenna Inch
  • Tara Matthews
  • Ekamjot Pooni
  • Angelina Schwarz
  • Geoffrey Harper
  • Aza Bryson
  • Paige Diggle
  • Bella Sol Roy-Gelinas

Several students received 300 euros in funding in connection to their participation in the 1st annual Canadian Model EU in Toronto (organized by York University). 


2019 student funding:

The following students received $1,000 to fund their participation in the 17th Claremont-UC Undergraduate Conference on the European Union, April 3-5 2019:

  • Malcolm Thomson
  • Alina Sobolik

From approximately forty submissions their research papers were published in the Claremont Undergraduate Journal. Malcolm’s paper on European Central Bank Country Specific Recommendations was awarded the outstanding paper award and was published in the conference journal.

The PhD candidate, Franziska Fischerea, received $1,500 to fund her participation as a presenter at the NORA 2019 Conference on Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics, hosted by the Institute for Gender Equality and Difference (RIKK) at the University of Iceland, May 22-24 2019.

The post-doctoral researcher, Tatiana Shaban, received $1460 from the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Victoria for the organisation of a one day international workshop “EU Cross-Border Cooperation Activities and Governance of its Eastern Neighbourhood” at the National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine on 22 November, 2019. The event was organized jointly with the National University of Cherkasy and co-funded by UACES.


The following students received $2,450 towards their participation in the EU Study Tour:

  • Aneesha Khaira
  • Elyse Kim
  • Flamur Gruda
  • Jasmine Pathak
  • Malcolm Thomson
  • Sarah Grunert
  • Shannon Rabey

Alina Sobolik received $1,400 in mobility funds to attend the 2019 Tour for the second consecutive year.  


2018 student funding:

The following students received €1000 for EU integrated research projects in Europe:

  • Taiwo Afolabi
    Jennifer Harkins

Post-doc recipient, Dr Valerie d'Erman, received €850 to fund her participation as a Discussant in the CES 2018 conference in Chicago, March 2018.

The following students received €850 towards their participation in the EU Study Tour:

  • Eric Buhne
  • Myim Kline
  • Daphne Lewarne
  • Ben Lukenchuk
  • Nick Sociedade


2017 student funding:

The following students who received €1000 for research projects in Europe:

  • Jesse Baltutis
    Tatiana Shaban
    Kanika Varma

The following students received €850 towards their participation in the EU Study Tour:

  • Matthew Bergin
  • Sarah Broitman
  • Anna Dodd
  • Victoria Shin
  • Stephanie Siddon
  • Anna Thompson
  • Elena Trenholm
  • Ari Tsetsekas
  • Joel Toorenburgh


2016 student funding:

In 2016, the EUCE offered a graduate field study grant to:

  • Keith Cherry, PhD Candidate, Law

The following undergraduate students received funding for the EU Study Tour:

  • Mackenzie Carr
  • Kadiatou Diallo
  • Rijk Eric Mollema
  • Alex Niketas
  • Daniel Wiche


2015 student funding:

The 2015 winners of EUCE grants were:

  • Tatiana Shaban
  • Ray Illsley
  • Stephen Fielding
  • Meghan Casey
  • Devon Harlos


2014 student funding:

In 2014, the following students received research funding from the JMCE and the EUCE:

  • Bryan Benner (MA Candidate, Department of Sociology)
  • Anastasia Chebakova (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science)
  • Graham Crouch (PhD Department, Department of Political Science)
  • Ivan Dumka (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science)
  • Alexander Gunn (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science)
  • Stephen Fielding (PhD Candidate, Department of History)
  • Tatiana Shaban (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science)
  • Dylan Trerice (MA Candidate, Department of French)