Financial assistance
If you have a high academic standing (minimum GPA of A- or 80%), you may be considered for University of Victoria Fellowship or Award. In addition, there are various other types of graduate or departmental scholarships, awards, and prizes. More information is available at the UVic Financial Aid and Funding site.
Thanks to the generous support of The Azrieli Foundation as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, we are pleased to announce that we will offer funding for our next cohort of students (beginning in the fall of 2025) in the form of fellowships and research assistantships.
The following funding opportunities are available for students with a high academic standing:
- University of Victoria Graduate Fellowships
- University of Victoria Graduate Awards
- University of Victoria Outstanding Graduate Student Entrance Awards
- Germanic Studies Graduate Awards
We also offer a limited number of teaching assistantships. In addition, we encourage you to apply for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council funding for your MA thesis or research project. This application can be submitted the year before you enter our graduate program (providing two years of funding) or in your first year of graduate studies (providing one year of funding).
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports courses and short-term research trips to Germany on a competitive basis. Please speak with the Graduate Advisor about other funding opportunities.