Transnational Feminist Praxis blog created by WS 338 students

Want to know more about transnational feminism? Have a look through the new Transnational Feminist Praxis blog created by a group of 12 students in Jo-Anne Lee's WS 338 course, Transnational Feminisms.

Here's the blog's mission statement:

This Transnational Feminist Praxis blog was started through a class project. This opportunity was provided to students through a course in Transnational Feminisms taught by Dr. Jo-Anne Lee in the Women Studies department at the University of Victoria. It has been a collaborative effort where twelve diverse students from the course have come together to compile a variety of resources to illustrate this topic using multi-media, video, and images in addition to text. This is a forum where we can speak our own truths, in which we can discuss our ideas, express our feminist selves, fellowship with each other, debate and challenge one another and support each other as we deconstruct some of the assumptions made about feminisms and women around the globe. We are coming at this project from a place of respect, good intentions, learning, and with open hearts and minds and are hoping to start a conversation on the topic rather than to dictate it’s meaning with finality. We hope to create a safe and supportive space and welcome all self-identified feminists to collaborate and share their ideas. We aim to suggest tools for ways to decenter ourselves (and others) and to become critical of how the spaces that we frequent are constructed through patriarchal and colonial discourses. We think it’s imperative that we apply these critiques to our everyday lives and to understand how we are implicated in this process. We want to bring together a broad range of voices, issues, and topics to show how they are all connected on terms of Transanational Feminist praxis.