Jodi Beniuk wins first Dax Gibson Memorial Award in Gender Studies

Jodi's project

Congratulations to Jodi Beniuk, first winner of the Dax Gibson Memorial Award for the most exceptional WS 400B project of 2012-13! Jodi's project is titled "All My Relations: Reclaiming the Stories of our Indigenous Grandmothers."

The UVic Senate approved the establishment of the Dax Gibson Memorial Award in Gender Studies at its May 2013 meeting. An award will be given annually to an academically outstanding undergraduate student in the Department of Women's Studies who produces the most exceptional WS 400B independent research project.

Dax Gibson
Dax Gibson
Dax Charles Gibson was an excellent and popular student in women's studies and anthropology, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in December 2012. We're very pleased to be able to set up this commemorative award with generous donations from Dax's family, friends and department members from both anthropology and women's studies. On March 1, 2013 women's studies students on the Equity & Outreach committee, along with many of Dax's other friends, held a fundraising dance, Dance Yr Pants Off! and contributed over $3,000 to the fund for the award.