Annual report

UVic Humanities Annual Report 2023-2024 Front Cover, depicting an ornate carved archway supported by four symmetrical pillars. Beneath the archway, five students walk through rows of bookshelves towards double glass doors.

Our annual reports collect stories and updates from around the Faculty to celebrate our community’s successes and share their accomplishments with you.

Download our most recent edition, the 2023-24 annual report now.

You can also find an archive of past editions below or sign up for our thrice-annually published e-newsletter here!

Past Editions

The Faculty of Humanities launched its first-ever annual report in 2017. Featuring students, faculty members, alumni and staff from across the Humanities, the reports are organized according to our faculty's four mission pillars: enrich human dignity, provoke critical inquiry, engage myriad voices, and inspire innovative expression.

Philosophy alumnus and artist Akira Weng created posters that illustrate each pillar of our mission for inclusion in the first two annual reports. Since 2019 he has designed the entire publication. Weng, who grew up in Victoria, works on design in his free time. While he was a student, he won the faculty's first design competition, called Legendary Humanities. "Studying in the Humanities has enriched and influenced all aspects of my life, including design," Weng says.

You can download past editions of our annual report by clicking on the cover images below.


Humanities Annual Report 2021-22 front cover


Humanities annual report 2020 front cover


humanities 2019 annual report front cover


humanities annual report 2018 front cover


humanities 2017 annual report front cover