Guest Seminar - Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh (School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University)


Professor O’Faircheallaigh will be speaking about “Climate Change and the ‘Just Transition’: The Case of ‘Transition Minerals’.


Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh
is Professor of Politics and Public Policy in the School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University. His research focuses on Indigenous governance and leadership, especially as it relates to large-scale resource development on Indigenous lands. In addition to his area of research, his teaching includes policy design, implementation, and evaluation. For over 30 years he has acted as a negotiator and advisor for Indigenous communities and organisations in Australia, Canada, Chile and Papua New Guinea. Since 2017 he has worked with Conservational International (CI) on developing the negotiation capacity of CI’s Indigenous partners in the Global South.
