Career and co-op

Stephen Joyce - MPA Campus - Unitar Geneva, Switzerland
Stephen Joyce on his co-op term in Geneva, Switzerland

Our co-operative (co-op) education (co-op) programs are set up to alternate study and paid work terms in your field while earning your degree.

The MPA thesis-based option includes two mandatory co-operative work terms, with an option to complete a third. Students are automatically enrolled in co-op as part of their degree program.

MPA thesis-based (co-op) overview

Co-op will help you develop professional skills, apply your graduate courses and gain practical experience while earning money to off-set tuition costs.

Co-op work terms open the door to try careers you might be interested in pursuing and build your professional network. They result in students qualifying for a higher level position after graduation that they would have without co-op. Students often receive job offers from a past co-op employer when they graduate.

When you are preparing for your co-op work term, you will get support with career planning, resume writing and job preparation through our professional practice workshops.

Student stories

  • Juraj Kobzik - two co-op work terms with the Government of Canada’s Department of Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs (CIRNAC), Treaties & Aboriginal Governance division
  • Stephen Joyce - a work term at UNITAR in Geneva, Switzerland, where his work promotes UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Read more student co-op stories and testimonials

For more information please see the Public Administration co-op page or contact the SPA co-op coordinator at or 250-721-8064.

About co-op jobs

We post 150 jobs per term with a 100% placement rate. Average monthly co-op earnings are $3828.25.

"In my first co-op, I am thrilled to be working with the Indigenous Guardians Pilot in Canada Wildlife Service where I have the opportunity to learn from and to support Indigenous-led stewardship initiatives from coast-to-coast-to-coast." - Ryleigh Lightbourn, MPA on-campus program

Sample co-op employers

  • Auditor General of Canada, Student Programs, Ottawa
  • BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Governance & Structure Branch, Victoria
  • BC Office of the Ombudsperson, Victoria
  • Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Treaties and Aboriginal Government, Negotiations West, Vancouver
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada, Sustainable Development Policy Division, Gatineau
  • Global Affairs Canada, Trade Policy and Negotiations Branch, Brussels
  • Ucluelet First Nations, Department of Lands and Resources, Ucluelet
  • Village of Tahsis, Village of Tahsis Municipal Office, Tahsis

Recent job titles

  • Policy/project analyst
  • Legislative policy researcher
  • Junior economic policy analyst
  • Market development officer
  • Climate change research co-op
  • Administrator, Indigenous relations
  • Cultural heritage policies project coordinator

Employer resources

Our co-op students can provide you and your business with a wide range of employment options. They can take on short-term tasks with enthusiasm and energy, contribute their skills to ongoing projects or assist your regular staff during peak periods.

Hiring and working with a co-op student is easy and we provide much support along the way! Co-op terms typically begin at the start of January, May and September and usually last 4 or 8 months.

If you would like to find a student volunteer, hire a graduate, or hire for a casual position, please contact Career Services at